The Valley of Chislev
By Eric Jwo
When the land was young and gods painted across its blank canvas with furious, broad strokes, Chislev the Beast, declared that the world was to be hers. Mountains and valleys emerged where her fingers brushed the earth. Forests arose when she breathed upon the soil. Her tears formed the oceans and rivers that crisscrossed the world. Nature is sacred to her above all things, but the gods declared that the land belonged to the humans and the ogres. Chislev wept as she saw the humans cutting down her beloved forests and the ogres desecrating her lands. Chislev's tears became the rain and the rain became a raging torrent that swept across the face of Krynn. The other gods grew angry and demanded her to cease her lament. In a fit of anger, Chislev struck the earth with her fist and formed a shallow valley in the land. Her worshippers would later call the valley the Valley of Chislev.
Although she ceased her destructive weeping, Chislev continued to mourn for her beloved forests in the valley that had been created by her hand. Her tears streamed forth from the earth, not from the sky, and cascaded down the slopes of her fertile valley, creating the Eternal Springs. It is said that whoever bathes in or drinks from the Eternal Springs gains the blessing of Chislev herself. One mouthful is said to bring the dead back to life, to allow its imbiber to speak to animals, or to even summon the goddess herself.
However, many ages later, when the gods grew angry with man and cast a fiery mountain down upon the land, the earth cracked asunder and the Valley of Chislev was lost. Her sacred valley was lost as the land cracked apart, and it drifted off into the sea, never to be seen again.
-The Valley of Chislev
Plainsmen Folktale
The Eternal Springs is located on the island of Southern Ergoth, on the continent of Ansalon, in the world of Krynn. While made specifically for the Dragonlance: Fifth Age setting, but it can be adapted to any campaign.
The game information necessary for the Valley of Chislev is integrated into the text. However, the corresponding Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game rules are included in sections enclosed by italicized green brackets { like this }.
Deep within the frozen territory of Gellidus, lies a haven of light and magic, a tribute to the departed gods. Trapped within the frozen wastes, yet free from Frost's machinations, this enchanted valley has been as much a bane to the Dragon Overlord as Foghaven Vale or Castle Eastwatch.
Although many sages speculate on the origin of the Eternal Springs, none truly know how the spring came to exist. Only the legends of the plainsmen of Abanasinia speak of the enchanted spring. According to the plainsmen, Chislev created the valley that bears her name in a fit of anger over the destruction of her forests. After seeing the destruction that the mortal races perpetrated on her beloved wilderness, Chislev wept with sorrow, filling her shallow valley with her tears. Her tears formed the Eternal Springs, which remains a site of mystery and wonder, of discovery and serenity, even in the uncertain Age of Mortals.
The plainsmen of Abanasinia once inhabited more land than they are now confined to. Before the First Cataclysm, they made regular pilgrimages to the Valley of Chislev. However, when the empire of Ergoth began expanding, the plainsmen were pushed south and away from the valley. Although the plainsmen still made regular pilgrimages to the valley, their connection with the Eternal Springs weakened.
The First Cataclysm, which tore Ergoth from the mainland, separated the valley from the plainsmen. Ignorant of Ansalon's new configuration, the plainsmen believed that the gods had turned their backs on man and taken the Valley of Chislev back into the realm of the gods. However, the Valley simply remained on Southern Ergoth when it broke free of Northern Ergoth and formed a separate island.
During the War of the Lance, the Silvanesti and the Qualinesti elves fled their homelands and sought shelter in Southern Ergoth. Their cousins, the Kagonesti, had dwelt on the island for centuries, but the two civilized elven races soon dominated the wild elves and forced them into servitude. Both races quickly sent out their scouts to examine their new home. The elves kept careful records of their excursions, and in 7 SC, a ledger was discovered in Qualinesti describing a scout patrol discovering a beautiful valley with enchanted waterfalls and pools.
Eventually, many other elven records were discovered which mentioned elven settlers, from both nations, residing in the valley. According to the newfound records, the Silvanesti first settled in 352 AC with the elven community of Shanolost. The Qualinesti soon created the town of Astirnoth in 354 AC. In fact, the records indicated that the settlers came into sporadic conflict and dispute that mirrored the events which transpired between the two elven nations during the closing days of the Fourth Age. Although the settlements never engaged in battle or wanton warfare, the records note the rivalry and bitter competition between the two settlements over the enchanted valley.
The valley, as noted in the elven records, was referred to as the Valley of Chislev. The details of the valley were sketchy at best, providing no information on its geography, wildlife, or magical properties. However, the records did indicate that the waterfalls and pools of the valley contained vast magic that granted miraculous powers.
The Qualinesti, however, were embroiled in their own political troubles, which prevented all efforts to solve the mystery of the unknown settlements. The Silvanesti, also, turned their back on the world in 11 SC and erected a magical shield around their forest, preventing them from traveling to the fabled valley.
In 33 SC, Speaker Gilthas of the Qualinesti sent all of the information on the Valley of Chislev to Palin Majere at the Academy of Sorcery, in hopes that the powerful sorcerer could unravel the mystery and benefit from its reputed enchantments. However, due to the escalating tensions between the Dragon Overlords, Palin has yet to send a team to investigate the valley.
The Valley
The Valley of Chislev is located in the southern area of Southern Ergoth. The valley lies in the eastern area of the Qualimori forest, located just before the forest touches the mountains. Although the rest of Southern Ergoth has been reduced to an icy wasteland, the Valley of Chislev has managed to endure Gellidus' magical onslaught. A magical sphere seems to protect the valley from being intruded upon by Frost, much to the Dragon Overlord's frustration.
The valley itself is rather unremarkable in appearance. A little over two miles long and almost one mile wide, the valley is full of lush vegetation and teeming wildlife. The forest grows wild and uninhibited in this valley and the animals roam about without fear. Through some magical enchantment, it is always day, always bright within the confines of the valley. The valley is cast in perpetual day, as if the sun was held forcibly in the sky by some divine hand. Time, however, flows normally within the valley.
A sense of peace and tranquility seems to pervade the entire valley. Violence is difficult to commit within the valley, requiring a challenging Presence action. { PCs must make a saving throw vs. spell with a -1 penalty or lose interest in their current action } If the action is unsuccessful, a sense of serenity fills the person, banishing all thoughts of anger and violence. Success allows a person to commit the violent action that he or she intends. Wounds heal faster and spell points are regained at an alarming rate in the valley. Wounded heroes regain one card per every three days spent in the valley; characters regain one Endurance point for every three days spent in the valley. { hit points are regained at the rate of 3 points per day } Sorcerers and mystics regain three spell points per hour spent in the valley. { the amount of study time needed to memorize a spell is reduced to 5 minutes per level of the spell being memorized }
The Valley of Chislev is a powerful magical reservoir that can supply both mystics and sorcerers with a nearly limitless amount of spell points. However, a terrible tragedy occurred within the valley, which caused the site to be befouled and unwilling to produce any spell points. Sorcerers with a code of "A" in Reason and mystics with a code of "A" in Spirit can sense the magical potential of the valley and realize the reason why its magical reservoir can not be accessed is that the site has been befouled. { mages and priests of 5th level or above can sense the inherent magic of the valley automatically }
There are several notable sites in The Valley of Chislev. Shanolost was the Silvanesti settlement that was founded in 352 AC. The Qualinesti village of Astrinoth was founded in 354 AC. Although the only communities noted in the Qualinesti records were the villages of Astirnoth and Shanolost, there was a small Kagonesti village named Arthinesti located in the mid-western portion of the valley. The remains of the village consist of several crude huts made of mud and straw. The huts are arranged in two circles of six huts each, surrounding the remains of a massive fire pit. The dwellings are abandoned and littered with the belongings of their former inhabitants. One large hut is set apart from the others. A ring of stakes connected with beads and feathers surrounds this hut. A few of these stakes have been knocked over and lie broken on the ground. The hut belonged to the village shaman and is filled with herbs and minor magical items. The magic in most of these relics are long dead, but a few still retain a spark of divine power.
Level One |
Aura | Result |
White | All wounds are healed and all spell points are returned |
Red | The hero loses one point of Strength permanently. |
Black | The hero must succeed in a daunting Endurance action or be petrified. If the action succeeds, he merely loses all cards from his Hand except one, and has his Endurance permanently reduced by 1. |
AD&D Rules |
1d6 | Result |
1-2 | All wounds are healed and all spells cast that day are returned to a mage's memory. |
3-4 | The PC loses one point of Strength permanently. |
5-6 | The PC must make a saving throw vs. petrification or become petrified. If successful, he suffers xd6 damage, where x is the PC's current level, and has his Constitution permanently reduced by 1. |
Level Two |
Aura | Result |
White | The hero gains one point in any ability. The Narrator should consult the suit of the card drawn to determine the ability score raised. If the suit of the card is Dragons, then the Narrator chooses the ability. (note: scores can be raised above racial limits) |
Red | The hero has up to two cards restored to his Hand. |
Black | The hero must succeed in a daunting Endurance action or be blinded. Only a powerful mystic spell can reverse the blindness.
AD&D Rules |
1d6 | Result |
1-2 | The PC gains one point in one ability score. The DM should roll 1d6: 1 indicates Strength, 2 Constitution, 3 Dexterity, 4 Intelligence, 5 Wisdom, and 6 Charisma. (note: scores can be raised above racial limits) |
3-4 | The PC heals 2d6 points. |
5-6 | The PC must make a saving throw vs. spell or blinded. Nothing short of a cure blindness or deafness or heal spell will cure the magical blindness. |
Level Three |
Aura | Result |
White | The hero gains the ability to speak to all animals for one week. |
Red | The hero gains the ability to speak with plants for one week. | Black | Every wild animal the PC encounters for the next week attacks him. |
AD&D Rules |
1d6 | Result |
1-2 | The PC gains the benefits of a speak with animals spell for one week. |
3-4 | The PC gains the benefits of a speak with plants spell for one week. |
5-6 | Every wild animal the PC encounters for the next week attacks him. |
The Silvanesti settlement of Shanolost lies to the southeast of Arthinesti. This village is composed of brick and mortar houses, more dignified than the Kagonesti huts and yet less civilized than the dwellings that the sylvan elves are used to. The crude buildings were, however, only meant to be temporary domiciles. Tucked away in neat rows, the crude brick buildings compromise the eastern portion of Shanolost. A town hall composed of shining crystal dominates the center of the elven settlement. Flanked by pristine temples dedicated Astarin, Quenesti Pah, and E'li, the town hall served as both the nerve center and the spiritual center of the settlement. A large garden full of once well-manicured trees and plants now lie in tangled disarray behind the Temple of Astarin. Construction began on new, more permanent buildings on the western side. Several half-completed towers emerge from the forest like cracked tree stumps. Like the Kagonesti village of Arthinesti, the dwellings are completely empty and in disorder.
The Qualinesti settlement of Astrinoth lies nestled in the southern tip of the valley. Like the Shanolost, Astrinoth consists of crude brick buildings. There is evidence of further construction in the northern area of town. Here, trees and crystal are twisted and warped, as if they caught in an attempt to mimic towers and minarets. A successful daunting Reason action reveals that the half-made buildings were slowly being shaped by elven woodshapers. The action is reduced by one degree if a hero is elven, and reduced by two degrees if the hero hails from House Woodshaper. { PCs who succeed in an Intelligence check with a -4 penalty can identify the origin of the buildings; PCs who are elven receive only a -2 penalty, and PCs who hail from House Woodshaper incur no penalty } One crystal tower was completed and was the home of the mayor of the village, a white-robed mage of some power. The tower still holds many elven artifacts that could retain sparks of magic within them. Like the other two elven settlements, the village looks overrun, abandoned, and in complete disarray.
There are two sites noted in the elven records that remained a mystery even to those living in the valley. One is located north of the Kagonesti village of Arthinesti and the other is east of the Lake of Voices. These sites are small clearings filled with a ring of pillars stabbing into the sky like the fingers of a buried giant. Intricate alien runes cover the rough granite pillars. A successful desperate Reason action reveals that the writing is huldrefolk in origin. { an Intelligence check at -6 reveals that the runes were made by the huldrefolk } According to the records, the elven wizards felt great power crackling between the pillars. However, those who visit the sites now find only emptiness.
The Eternal Springs is actually a series of waterfalls fueled by a large underground geyser. There are three distinct waterfalls in the system; three levels of pools and ponds before the water drains into a large pool at the base of the Eternal Springs and flows down to the Lake of Voices. The entire waterfall is over two hundred feet high and the roar of the water cascading down the sheer slopes and stones can often be deafening. The water in each level has a unique property. Level one is the highest level, while level three is the level at the base of the waterfall. The Narrator should flip over a random card form the Fate Deck, note the card's aura, and then check the corresponding tables to determine the result. Each individual can only benefit from the enchantments of each level of the Eternal Springs once.
The Lake of Voices is a large lake nearly 900 feet wide and more than 800 feet in length. The depth is over 200 feet at the center of the lake. Filled with brilliant blue water, the lake shimmers and sparkles in the eternal daylight of the valley. Bathing in the waters of the lake restores one lost ability point back to its owner. For instance, if a hero lost a point of Strength due to the draining touch of a shadow, he instantly regains it due to the miraculous powers of the lake. However, this power only restores up to one point and only works once per individual. If points were lost from multiple abilities, the Narrator chooses which one is restored. { bathing in the lake restores one lost point to any one Ability Score, DM's choice } The waters of the lake can counteract points lost in the Eternal Springs. The lake is so aptly named because those near the lake can hear bubbling laughter and strange words coming from the depths of the lake. The voice actually belongs to a sirine who lives at the bottom of the lake. Her name is Kela, and while she doesn't like being bothered by strangers, she is not hostile and will only fight if attacked.
Kela, a sirine: Magical creature. Co 9, Ph 21, In 8, Es 6, Dmg 0, Def -4, also acute sense (vision), alteration 9self), charm (song), confuse (fog), drain (Reason), and invisible.
Kela (sirine): AL NG; AC 3; MV 12, Sw 24; HD 7; hp 33; THAC0 13; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA song, spell-like abilities; MR 20%; SZ M (5' 6"); ML 12; XP 5,000; MM/314.
Notes: Song-Kela's song can charm all within 30 feet (if they can hear). Victims must make a saving throw vs. spell or suffer the effects of a charm person spell.
Sirines save as 11th-level wizards, with a +2 bonus against poisons. They are immune to all gas attacks, can breath either air or water, and have 120' infravision.
Inhabitants of the Valley
There are many wild animals living in the Valley of Chislev. Every animal, excluding intelligent creatures, listed in the "Forest" and "Jungle" sections in Appendix Two: Habitat Guide of The Bestiary can be found in the valley. { all creatures with animal to low intelligence that are indigenous to forest, jungle, or woodland settings are found in the valley }
There are a few extraordinary inhabitants of the Valley of Chislev. For instance, the sirine Kela lives at the bottom of the lake of Voices. Several dryads and two nymphs also live in the valley. However, these woodland beings are very secretive and usually remain hidden. All of these inhabitants do like to bathe and congregate, at times, at the foot of the Eternal Springs. Even the animals crowd about the pools at the base of the waterfalls to drink from the magical water. While the liquid is sweet and pure like honey, it confers no magical effects upon animals or those who are natives of the valley, such as the dryads and nymphs.
Unknown to many, there are also shadow-wights within the valley. They lurk in the shadows between trees and boulders, but they are few in number. The forest folk of the valley fear their awesome power, but the denizens of chaos are too few to cause any major trouble.
Secrets of the Valley
Over thirty years ago, during the Chaos War, the three elven settlements within the valley were preparing to go to war. Disputes over the ownership of the valley and the Eternal Springs caused angers and hostilities to flare. In fact, much of the tensions between the Silvanesti and the Qualinesti nations arose over the fate of the valley. The Silvanesti did not wish for the two elven nations to unite under a single Speaker because they would have to share the valley with their hated neighbors. The Qualinesti detested the Silvanesti's arrogance and initial claim on the Valley of Chislev. The Kagonesti, who actually established their village before either of the other villages, were angry at being ignored. They were not even considered in the argument for ownership.
It was during this tense time when Chaos was released from the Graygem and the shadow-wights descended upon the valley. They streamed down from the north and slowly corrupted the enchanted site. The three elven races abandoned their villages and raced out to fight the shadow-wights. The elven sorcerers drew upon the valley's vast pool of sorcery and the elves destroyed many of the chaos minions. However, the elves eventually fell to the overwhelming numbers and sheer power of the shadow-wights. All of the elves from all three villages were wiped out of existence by the awesome power of the shadow-wights. Every memory of the Valley of Chislev and its inhabitants was lost. The remaining shadow-wights awaited reinforcements when Chaos was banished from Krynn. Bereft of divine aid, the shadow-wights hid in the valley and awaited further instructions.
If it weren't for the discovery of the elven records in Qualinesti, none would have discovered the continued existence of the Valley of Chislev. The reason why the Valley of Chislev refuses to give up its magical energy is because the forces of chaos still reside within its borders. Although the number of shadow-wights is relatively few, they have been concocting their own dark schemes. Deep beneath the Lake of Voices, hidden in a bed of molten lava, lies the egg of a fire dragon. The shadow-wights have focused their attention on caring for the egg and making sure that it will hatch. When the egg finally does hatch, the shadow-wights will be able to reduce the valley to ashes and expand outward into the territory of Gellidus.
Shadow-wights. Undead. Co 6, Ph 15, In 5, Es 9, Dmg N/A, Def N/A, also delude, despair, incorporeal, nullify, and immune to mentalism, normal weapons, and poison.
Shadow-wights: AL CE; AC 4; MV 12, Fl 24; HD 6; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg Nil; SA nullify; SD hit only by blessed or +1 or better weapon; MR 10%; SZ M (6' tall); ML 18; XP 4,000.
Notes: Nullify-Shadow-wights entrap their victims with their deadly gazes and hypnotic voices. Their intended targets must make a saving throw vs. death magic at a -2 penalty or else he will vanish from existence the next time the victim is touched. Once obliterated in this manner, all memory of the victim vanishes from the memories of every one that knew him. Light-based spells disrupt the nullifying attack of a shadow-wight.
Shadow-wights are immune to cold-based attacks and poison, as well as death, hold, sleep, charm, and paralyzation spells. Holy water splashed on them inflicts 1-6 damage per vial. A shadow-wight is instantly destroyed if a priest makes a successful attack roll with a holy symbol of some sort.
Adventure Nuggets
There are many adventure ideas already sprinkled throughout the previous pages. The Valley of Chislev is a enchanted place of sorcery, mystery, and danger. The following adventure nuggets can help the Narrator run an adventure or two in the Valley.
- Palin Majere has been meaning to organize an expedition to the supposed site of the valley of Chislev for years. He is willing to finance such an expedition, and could hire the heroes to travel to Southern Ergoth in his stead. Of course, Palin will insist on one of his students accompanying them, because he would like to study the magical properties of the valley and discover the fates of the elves that settled there.
- Kela the sirine might enlist the heroes, to investigate the source of a river of lava that has been seeping into the Lake of Voices. If the heroes do not aid her, the lake will become a giant lava pool, which could eventually destroy the valley. The source of the problem is the growing fire dragon egg nestled deep beneath the lake. If allowed to continue growing, the egg will hatch into a mature fire dragon and the flowing lava will spread from the heart of the valley like a cancer and destroy the magical site.
- The heroes discover the diary entries of several of the elven settlers. The journals provide enigmatic clues to what happened to the settlers and the heroes must piece them together to find the answer. One particular entry mentions a deadly assassin within the Qualinesti court. This assassin is supposed to slay Speaker Gilthas once the elven nation has been stabilized. The heroes may have to rescue the young Speaker from a deadly assassin who has been residing in his royal court for nearly forty years!
- The heroes, upon searching the Qualinesti village of Astrinoth, they discover the finished tower of the mayor of the village, who was also a sorcerer. A few of the shadow-wights have taken up residence in the tower, but if the heroes can defeat the chaos minions, they discover a wealth of magical items.
- The animals in the valley suddenly become hostile to the heroes. Even the dryads, nymphs, and Kela the sirine, are being attacked by the animals. Can the heroes discover what has influenced the normally gentle creatures before they are slain by ordinary woodland animals?
- The heroes' dreams are plagued with nightmares of the elven settlers. In the nightmares, the settlers beg the heroes to help their spirits find rest. Can the spirits of the elven settlers have survived the deadly touch of the shadow-wights? If so, does this mean that the others destroyed by shadow-wights have also survived?