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Thorns Keep

Created By Eric Jwo

Prior to the coming of Chaos, which propelled Krynn into the Fifth Age, the Knights of Takhisis thundered across Ansalon and waged terrible war upon the unsuspecting forces of light. From Storms Keep the servants of the Dark Queen poured out like a tide of ants and conquered more in a few months than the dragonarmies conquered in several years during the War of the Lance. While the mighty warriors and dark clerics struck terror into the enemies of Takhisis, the gray robed sorcerers that provided the Order's magical might. They represented a threat that few understood, as they were the first powerful and organized order of renegade sorcerers.
The gray robes could not work their dark magicks in the confines of Storms Keep, where dragons and drilling knights provided a military atmosphere. Therefore, Lord Ariakan ordered the construction of a magical tower for the Thorn Knights to focus their magic in. Called Thorns Keep, the Tower of Sorcery was built on a small, humble, unnamed isle off the coast of northwestern Ansalon, somewhere between the tip of Northern Ergoth and the city of Palanthas. Infused with powerful magic, the isle itself could change its position, much like the Tower of Wayreth, and therefore eluded detection. The isle itself was small, measuring only a mile wide and three miles in length. A small "forest" dominated the southern side, while the Keep itself dominated the northern bluff. The Keep rested on an imposing cliff, overlooking the small port that formed from a massive, rocky sandbar that hugged the boats that docked. The Keep itself composed of the Tower, with the Keep built jutting out of it like heavy thorns on a budding rose. The Keep was built from dark, glossy granite that grew on the foothills of Neraka. The Keep is seamless and seems to be carved from a single block of stone. Runes are carved in even rows and line the Keep's walls like the tattoos of an Ergothian. The Thorn Knights attempted to persuade Lord Ariakan that the Tower needed no defensive fortifications, but being a warrior, Lord Ariakan ordered a large open balcony with a raised wall and arrow slits be built. The rampart takes up much of the second floor and faces to the south, away from the port, as any invading arm would likely attack from that direction. Kyle Stormclaw, a cruel and malicious former Wizard of the Black Robes turned Thorn Knight, was put in charge of the Tower itself and oversaw both its construction and its everyday affairs.
The Knights of the Thorn believed their Tower to be impregnable, until a small group of robed wizards infiltrated the isle and attacked the gray robed sorcerers. The Thorn Knights, however, easily defeated the small band of wizards and even managed to slay many of their enemies, including Justarius of the Red Robes, who was the current Head of the Conclave. Assured of their superiority, the gray robes calmly watched their fellow knights crush all resistance.
The arrival of Chaos completely shattered their plans. Several large fire dragons attacked the Tower directly and devastated the isle. The Thorn Knights fought back with their powerful magic, but yle Stormclaw realized that they would eventually fall to the minions of chaos. Preparing a mighty spell, Kyle managed to transport the entire isle away from the fire dragons, but the fragile spell tore loose from his control and the isle simply vanished. The Knights of Takhisis have not been able to locate the isle since.
The Keep itself consists of three levels: the dungeon, the first level, and the second level. The dungeon held supplies and prisoners, as well as the Keep's storehouse of weapons and magical items. The first level held barracks and training rooms for the four talons of Lily Knights and one talon of Skull Knights that guarded the isle. The second level held the many labs and supply rooms for the spell components necessary for the Thorn Knights' dark spells. The tower itself extended two more levels, with the third level being a small dormitory for experienced Thorn Knights and a training room for spellcasters. The highest level of the tower housed Kyle Stormclaw's personal quarters, lab, and library.
While it is not widely known, many Thorn Knights believe that Kyle Stormclaw was busy researching the path to lichdom. If the Thorn Knight was successful, then he may still live on in undeath, locked away on his battered Tower upon his broken isle, drifting endlessly through the trackless sea.