Gold dust mine
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Gold dust mine

A special thanks to my friend Lady Angelita for making my nametag *HUGS*

I am known to most of my friends as Gold dust or bird maiden, I live in Newfoundland, Canada and I have been using the internet since January 97...... I just love to chat with all of my friends...If you see me in the chathouse or Beautyscastle be sure to say Hello...I have found some very interesting people here on the net, from all over the world... I am 42 years old, (it took me awhile to get use to saying this *S*) I have two beautiful children, a daughter who is 19 and a son who is 16. They grow up so fast it means I am getting older..*S* but I really don't feel like it most days. Since I have been coming to the chathouse and the castle, I have met alot of wonderful people, whom I wouldn't mind meeting sometime face to face. Here is a little poem I found about Friends


When trouble comes your soul to try
You love the friend who just standsby
Perhaps there's nothing we can do
The thing is strictly up to you;
For there are troubles all your own,
And paths the soul must tread alone
Times when love cannot smooth the road
Nor friendship lift the heavy load,
But just to know you have a friend
Who will "standby" until the end,
Who's sympathy through all endures
Whose warm handclasp is always yours
It helps, some way, to pull you through,
Although there's nothing we can do.
And so with different hearts we cry


Click here to find the true meaning of love.

I just want to mention some of my friends that I have met over this past year who have become very dear in my heart.If I leave any names out it is not intentional.*S*

Thank you to my friend Slyfox who made this banner for me.*HUGS*
Here is my picture so you will know who you are chatting too.......

You can reach me on Powwow daily, I also have ICQ (UIN - 936638) if anyone wants to send me a message.

Here are some pictures of me and my friends in Halifax in March '98.

This is me taking a break from shopping

This is my friends and me at the Airport

Here are some pictures of my friends and I

This is a picture of me at my friends house on New Years Day

Leaving the Hotel

A night out in Montreal

Another picture from Montreal

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Hawaii Chat Universe
POWWOW...Interesting chat program
Send a free Cybear gram!!!!

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