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Great Spirits of the Web

Rarely in our lives do we have the opportunity to call someone a friend,
someone with no hidden agenda or vested interest in being in our company.
This is the site of one of those people.
Do yourself a favour, visit Dreams Uniting
just aim your pointer to the heart of Orion and surf the ether to Mirella's Home Page

In this place, in the poems you will read,
in the words poured from the heart, you may find something of yourself,
you may find...

Poem Invasion by Kevin Taylor is one of the great sites on the web.
Discovered through my Mom, I've spent much time there and will continue to do so.
If poems are your bag then you'll want to hang out there for a bit.

Visit the site of this talented artist from Calgary, Jonathon Earl Bowser

WillowDancing is the site of someone who was kind enough to sign my guestbook, after paying her site a visit I was pleased at what I had found there.
This is the home of someone with a very big and caring heart... and she's an orchid lover too (makes her ok in my books).

Link to the Great Spirits is my Brothers site. He and his son Mikey are taking on the world together.
It's a slow load, but the heart that has been put into his site makes it well worth the wait.

Bearded Wolf is a site dedicated to native spirituality and provides excellent information on native rituals.
I go there often.