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Links Page

Albert Einstein
Bigrock Breweries, Calgary, Best in the west
The Bearded Wolf's Page Canadian search engine and more
poem invasion- by Kevin Taylor
Poetry in Motion
Indigenous Environmental Network
Skip's Eagle Nest-Sad story...Beautiful site- one of my favorites
Crystal's pages of romance, poetry etc.
The Goddess Art of Jonothan Earl Bowser- Extremely talented artist from Calgary
My Brother and nephew Mikeys techno odyssey
Shannon's page- she was often gripped with the desire to be elsewhere
Cyber Canuck's awesome MP3 site- for mp3 addicts
Small Reflections- My Moms Page
International Office of the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Crosspoint anti-racism page
The C.A.R.E page
Canadian Labour Congress
Canadian Auto Workers
Greenpeace Canada