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Counterfeit Corner

[Yo, It's your loyal, faithful, loving, hating, cuddly, President here, with the first edition of my Counterfeit Corner, where I'll be talking a little about the fed in general, it's progress, the wrestlers that I have contracted, the staff, what a wrestler's shit smells like, and when it hits the fan. You see, I can and will talk about anything I damn well please, because you can't really stop me. Ok, enough with the formalities...]

When last reported, Dan Miles was rumored to be in some sort of accident, non-wrestling related. I assure you that Dan will return to the ring, and hopefully with 4-Twomp again. Until that time, we wish Dan a full recovery, and hope that he will someday soon, return to wrestle with the rest of 420°.

Another thing that has been on my mind, is the fact that we have just recently, been flocked with talent. It's a good thing, believe me, but in the past few days, shit has been looking up for myself, and the rest of the people at 4-Twomp, who have worked our asses off. So Watkins, Basulto, Thrylla even.. Congrats guys

Now, about Woodstock guys.. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty damn pissed, I didn't get to go, and I totally missed out on the fucking weed, the sex, and I guess the music too. Yeah, definitely the music.. I'd just go for Limp Bizkit, even though there's TONES (haha Tommy!) of other bands playin, and all around, it's FUCKFEST 99' and poor ole Brink missed out. GOD DAMNIT!!! BOOOOOOOOOOOO MOTHA FUCKIN COW!!!

God damn guys, Limp Bizkit is a tight band, am I correct? Well, I'm sure you all agree with me, and if you don't.. SUCK DEEZ NUTZ!! But, back to the report.. back to das report.. Recently, as in.. YESTERDAY, we saw some dude, obviously a Jt. $weet associate, come out and talk about Jt's awareness of the 420°, which is music to my ears. As you may or may not know, I've been trying to sign the man himself for quite some time, and have basically been shot down time after time.. Now with word from an inside source, things could be looking good for myself and that young prospect.

Now, crediting guys I don't even know, but who the fuck cares..(Ray Kim and Rajah, btw, Rajah is a pimp) Here is the current line-up for Summerslam, if any of you don't already know..

• "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. Triple H (World Title Match w/Jesse Ventura as guest referee)
• The Rock vs. "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn
• Undertaker vs. Big Show
• Jeff Jarrett vs. D-Lo Brown (Intercontinental Title Match)
• "Road Dogg" Jesse James vs. Bob Holly or Al Snow (Hardcore Title Match)
• The Acolytes vs. X-Pac and Kane (Tag Title Match)

Obviously the card is subject to change, which becomes very obvious since Edge just won the Intercontinental Title, which btw, KICKS MAJOR ASS!! Edge is a pimp, always will be a pimp, and definitely deserves the push.. Anywho, back to somethin else..

Now, earlier today, I was watchin this lucha libre stuff, and surprisingly, it kicked ass! They've got three rounds, and it's all pretty cool. All i can understand is MOOSHI MOOSHI YAMA.. BLAH BLAH.. EL SUPERNOVA!! but it's all good.. Same with WcW, since I'm in Texas (mexican central), WcW was in spanish n shit, and for once, I actually enjoyed it. I'm a big ANTI-WcW guy, and this was the first time I actually watched that crap..

SONG OF THE MINUTE: 3:41 A.M - "Just Like This" by Limp Bizkit

WRESTLER OF THE SAME MINUTE: - Scott Rockwell (Have fun in Mexico, you little bitch)

I'm aware that this whole Counterfeit Corner thing has been boring, and about nothing.. But it'll get better when there's more "fed related" stuff to talk about. I realize I'm mad whack, and apparently boring.. But you decided to come here, you decided to read on.. and if you keep comin, I'll keep writin.. But until next time, this is the man on the brink, the man on the edge, the MAN period.. THEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE BRRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNKKKKKK!!!!!!!! UP, DOWN, IN, OUT, and UP AGAIN..

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