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Nombre en español | English | Pronunciation |
Achiote | annatto | [ah-chjo-teh] |
Aguacate** | avocado | [ah-wah-kah-teh] |
Ají | (sweet) chili | [ah-hee] |
Albahaca | basil | [ahl-bah-kah] |
Anís estrellado | star anise | [ah-nees] |
Azafrán | saffron | [ah-sah-fran] |
Azúcar | sugar | [ah-soo-kar] (or ah-qoo-kar) |
Canela | cinnamon | [kah-neh-lah] |
Cardamomo | cardamom | [kar-Dah-moh-moh] |
Clavito de Olor | clove | [klah-vee-toh] |
Comino | duck | [koh-mee-noh] |
Culantro/cilantro | coriander | [koo-lan-troh] | Cúrcuma | turmeric | [koor-koo-mah] |
Hierbabuena | mint | [jer-bah-bwe-nah] |
Jengibre | ginger | [hen-hee-breh] |
Laurel | bay leaf | [lauh-d*el] |
Limón** | lime | [lee-mon] |
Mostaza | mustard | [mos-tah-sah] |
Nuez Moscada | nutmeg | [nwes -mos-kah-Dah] |
Pimienta | pepper | [pee-mjen-tah] |
Pimentón Dulce | paprika | [pee-men-ton] | Orégano | oregano | [oh-d*e-gah-noh] |
Sal | salt | [sahl] |
Tomillo | thyme | [toh-mee-joh] |
*The Spanish single and double R sounds do not exist in English. American English speakers use the single R but in another context. When they say the words 'medal' or metal' fast, the middle 'd' or 't' sounds like the Spanish single R.
# The Spanish middle D sounds more like an English 'th' == (that). **frutas