LOS ANIMALES | Make your own picture by dragging and dropping the animals and other animated gifs around. You can print the final image too! | ||||||||||||||||
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Vocabulario | |||||
Abeja = Bee |
Ardilla = Squirrel |
Avispa = Wasp |
Caballo = Horse |
Cerdo/Puerco = Pig |
Cisne = Swan |
Conejo = Rabbit |
Gallo = Rooster |
Gato = Cat |
Hormiga = Ant |
León = Lion |
Mariposa = Butterfly |
Oveja = Sheep |
Oso = Bear |
Pajarito = (small) Bird |
Pato = Duck |
Pavo = Turkey |
Perro = Dog |
Pinguino = Penguin |
Rana = Frog |
Ratón = Mouse |
Sapo = Toad |
Serpiente = Snake |
Tigre = Tiger |
Topo = Mole |
Tortuga = Turtle |
Tucán = Toucan |
Vaca = Cow |
Venado = Deer |
Zorrillo/Mofeta = Skunk |