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FLANAGANOS the smallest but best nightclub in the world Meath and Flanagan

  Where it all began......................

Why would one stay in Hampton Beach and not start a night club.The year 1998, the time God knows, the place Apt C (below the scrabble girls) ,the conversation Nightclub, Venue smallest room in Hampton Beach. The scene was set for one of the most memorable nights of 98'. Fame and fortune are associated with Donald, no stranger to new ideas.A promising future lies ahead but what of his native town............... The mystery unfolds

Donald Flanagan- Five feet eleven Inches, blue eyes,sun in hair and an accent that would send a shiver down your spine. No stranger to Rubbish Bins is Donald. He likes keeping the street of Hampton Beach clean, so clean he even checks the bins to make sure the rubbish gets collected.DJ,events organizer,chamber boy and so on, the world is his oyster.

In summation, one would have to see this homo sapien before judgement could be passed.Judge and Jury i rest my case.I do remind you that he almost received a write up on the Irish Emmigrant



  Bettystown - small seaside town with a sandy beach safe for swimming, accommodation and eateries. The 8th century Tara Brooch, now in the National Museum in Dublin was found in Bettystown in 1850.

  Dunshaughlin - nearby Fairyhouse Racecourse and nearby ruined Killeen Castle Duleek - ruined Duleek Abbey, round tower and high cross

  Kells- Kells Abbey, accommodation, eateries, pubs, nearby 18th century Hill of Lloyd tower lookout point (Entry IR1), nearby Castlekeeran high crosses

  Newtown - Newtown Abbey, 13th century ruined Black friary, ruined Crutched friary founded as a hospital by knights returned from the crusades of Saint John, accommodation, eateries,

   Slane - attractive small village, Slane Castle which hosts extremely popular outdoor summer festivals, historic Hill of Slane, Ledwidge Museum, accommodation, eateries, (Slane Tourist Office Tel: 041 24010)

  Trim - Trim Castle, Talbot Castle, Trim Heritage Centre which has displays on Trim's history as a medieval town, (Meath Heritage and genealogical information centre and Trim tourist office Tel: 046 37111), nearby Newtown Abbey, 13th century ruined Black friary and ruined Crutched friary said to have been founded by knights returned from the crusades of Saint John, ruined Bective Abbey, ruined Dangan Castle mansion which was the former childhood home of the Duke of Wellington

  Laytown - small seaside town with a sandy beach safe for swimming, golf course, windsurfing, August beach horse racing, accommodation, eateries, nearby Sonairte National Ecology Centre

  Navan - County town of Meath, accommodation, eateries, pubs and bars, nearby ruined 16th century Dunmoe Castle of the D'Arcy family, walks along the River Boyne towpath to the ruined 13th century Donaghmore church and 10th century round tower. The historic Hill of Tara, the ruined Athlumney House castle which was burnt in 1690 by its owner Sir Lancelot Dowdall so that it would not fall into the hands of King William of Orange and the ruined 15th century Liscartan Castle are all near to Navan. (Navan Tourist office Tel: 046 2158).


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