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Hertlinghausen Village Pump



Hertlingshausen is a small village in the forest southwest of Gruenstadt. More importantly, it is only several miles from Wattenheim, our new home. A daughter cloister of the Augustinian cloister at nearby Honningen was built here before 1200, but very few traces of it exist today.


In 1898 a new village pump was installed, with a cast iron watering trough. To celebrate its 100th anniversary, the pump and trough were decorated with pine boughs and colorful Easter eggs.  This is reminiscent of well decorating in Derbyshire where water sources of all sorts are decorated. The custom may be spreading; the town pump below the old church in Wattenheim was also decorated this spring.



The old pump and watering tough makes a fine focal point for the village of Hertlingshausen.