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Near Landau, County Southern Wine Road, Rhineland Palatinate, Germany

A noble count suffered from a serious and strength sapping illness and no one could help him; not even the wise herb women who lived in the forests. So he set off on a pilgrimage. One evening, nearly tired to death, he came upon the hut of a hermit on a mountainside. In an ancient oak there was an image of the Mother of God. The count fell to his knees and prayed for release from his sufferings and illness. The hermit hurried to a nearby spring, explaining to God what he needed the water for. Trusting to the help of Heaven, he sprinkled water on the lips and forehead of the ill man, and gave him water to drink. A miracle happened. The count was instantly cured of his illness. He remembered his pilgrim’s vow, and built a chapel on the spot which he called "Maria-Hilf" or aid from Mary.

The chapel is on a hill near Doerrenbach and in the local dialect is called the Kolmerbergkapelle. Every year the faithful of the southern Palatinate make pilgrimages to this blessed spot.

Pfaelzer Legenden, Viktor Carl, Arbogast, 1982 ISBN 3870220570

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