Lorraine/ near Domremy-la-Pucelle
Gallo-Roman town. Celtic sanctuary to Grannus, the healing god of waters. Later became sanctuary of Apollo. Visited by emporer Constantine the Great in 309 A. D. Roman amphitheater has been excavated; basilica mosaics. Roman water system has been explored. Water was brought to town by underground tunnels from surrounding hills.
This is a karst region, with few surface streams, but a system of underground waterways, occasionally developing large "sinkhole" type pools fed by underground streams or springs. It is thought that such a large pool existed in the area of the parish church, and was a center for water deity worship for centuries.
The Roman sanctuary to Apollo was Christianized at an early date and the sacred waters continued to be used and revered. St. Elophe, and his sister, St. Libaire, were martyred here or near here. There are churches dedicated to both in or near Grand. They became the patrons of herdsmen, this area being good grazing land.
The hydrology of the area has been extensively studied.
Lothringen: DuMont Kunst-Resiefueher. Uwe Anhaeuser, ISBN 3-7701-1600-3 1985
A considerable amount of research is on going at Grand, and several publications are available. There is an excellent web site concerning Grand at . There is also a video available called "Leau Perdu" (The Lost Waters) concerning the hydrology and holy wells at Grand.
For further details:
Les Dossiers DArcheologie, No. 162, July-August 1991
Grand: Prestigieux Sanctuaire de la Gaule
(Grand: Important Gallic Sancutary)
This issue is in French; pictures below are from it.