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Holy or Sacred Wells in Peru

In the vicinity of Cusco, there are sacred wells or springs at Tambomachay and Puca Pucara. Tambomachay is the most famous.


Located 7 km from Cusco at 3,700 meters above sea level, this site is known as the "Baths of the Incas". Fresh spring water still pours out of the hillside through stone channels and basins cut by the Incas centuries ago. The site is thought to have been an important center for water worship. Archeological studies show the architectural talent of the Incas’ and their detailed knowledge of hydraulics.

The ceremonial bath is formed by four leveled walls joined by stairs, and featuring crystalline waterfalls. See the photo below for details.

For further details, go to

"Tambomachay, a water cult site" This site is in Spanish.

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