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Donnersbergkreis, Rheinland Pfalz

A constant flowing spring is found at the end of the causeway road leading from B40 though the settlement of Rohrbach to the foot of the Maiblumen Hill. The spring flows from the red sandstone bedrock and joins a small brook that eventually joins the Lohnsbach and the Alsenz River.

The brush is kept cut back around the spring, and a small bridge of planks gives access to the spring. The water emerges from a small roundish opening in the rock and falls through shallow channels to a tiny pool cut in the rock. From here it overflows into the brook.

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St. Katherine’s Church at Rohrbach, Kaiserslautern County, RP,

dates to the 11th century; recently discovered frescoes date to 12th century. Supposed holy well is about 500 meters east of the church.

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