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International Eighties Conservation Awards

If you have reached this site, chances are you've received a personal invitation or heard about us through a good friend.
Below you will find out who we are and how we work. It's painfully simple!

WHO WE ARE: A group of people who grew up in the 1980's and in some instances, think we are still in the 80's! Many of us are self-appointed new wave music experts but most importantly, we all share a love of our generation! Through hand selected sites, we wish to award the pages and people who help keep our music alive.

HOW IT WORKS: First, you will need to submit your site's full URL and your email address below. If accepted,you will receive a special pass where you can enter into our image files and choose from over 100 (and growing!) IECA band logo awards. Easy!

WHY SHOULD YOU? For the sheer satisfaction of knowing all of your hard work has not gone unnoticed and that YOU have a totally awesome site!

NOTES: Just in case you tried, the alphabet links on this page do not work! You gotta get access first! You are welcome, however, to check out our collection of autographs and live pictures exclusive to this site. Then get aquainted via our newest WORDS page with Matt, Our Dame Wen, and the crew! Email us (we promise to mail you back..wink!wink!nudge!nudge!)


This 80's Music Ring site owned by The IECA
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