The Fate of the Discarded Guitar
news source:MTV.
Marilyn Manson says that the fan who caught guitarist John5's
instrument after the band's performance at this year's MTV
Video Music Awards is free to keep it, but the fan seems to
think that's not the case.
The audience member, Brian Kuehn, says that after catching
the instrument, he was rushed backstage by event security to
check the guitar in before re-entering the event. Upon leaving
the awards, he collected the guitar and took it home.
Kuehn says that he later tried to get a certificate of authenticity
from the guitar's manufacturer, which then contacted John5
and Manson's management firm to tell them that he had the
guitar. Kuehn, not a fan of the group, says that Manson's
management asked for the guitar back in exchange for a guitar
of lesser value and a signed CD, to which he refused because
he wanted to keep the more expensive guitar. He says that
management members then told him that they would sue him if
he didn't give it back before the start of the upcoming Marilyn
Manson tour. Kuehn claims he told the band's management
that they'd have to pay the cost of the guitar in order to get it
back adding, "If he wanted to keep the guitar so badly, why
did he throw it out in the first place?"
All of this seems to be moot though as Manson's camp claims
that they've never spoken to Keuhn, and that the guitar is his
to keep.