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History of the XI Mu Chapter

The XI Mu Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated was founded on September 12, 1992 at Wesley College. It was through the vision of five distinguished gentlemen that the XI MU Chapter was created. The five visionaries focused on creating and developing a series of programs and activities that would excite and educate students about college life and our ever-changing society. The members implemented programs ranging from sleep-outs to benefit children with aids, volunteer cooks at the Salvation Army and programs designed to educated students about the importance of African American history.

Brothers of the Chapter have been very instrumental and an integral part of the campus community. Living by the word Achievement, Brothers held positions in the Student Government Association, Student Activities Board, Student Ambassadors, the Judicial Board, and clubs related to their ajors. Brothers were also very instrumental in the creation of the Black Student Union and the African Culture Club, which helped to foster positive cohesion of all minorities on campus.

Establishing itself as the elite Black Greek-lettered Organization at Wesley College, the XI MU Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated has set a standard of excellence for all greek lettered organizations to follow. Each year the Chapter sponsors a luncheon in honor of the administrators, professors, and faculty members that have assisted us in developing our chapter. Its members strive for Achievement in every field of human endeavor and continue to be the most innovative organization on campus and the city of Dover. XI MU is constantly growing and has recently added Delaware State University to its chapter membership rolls. With this addition of fine brothers, the XIMU chapter will be poised to take the next step into the new millenium.

The Founders "Genesis 5" were:

Antione Oakley

Antoine Pritchet

Calvin Brooks

Robert Holmes

Jon Hardy

The Chapter Lines under XI Mu includes:

Low key

II The Hard Way

The Final Four

Kram II Understand

Degrees of Khaos


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