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Being 17 sucks. It's the boring edipus between legally driving and adulthood. Even the birthday party sucks. Your parents don't throw you this big gurly "Sweet 16" and you're friends can't take you to a strip-club. Whats the point? Birthdays should skip 17 like buildings skip 13. Don't get me wrong though, I like being 17. In fact, I'm enjoying my youth. Because at 18, I'll have to be a "responsible citizen" and pay my own bills and shit. As of now I don't have to worry about money or my ass starting to sag or getting female pattern baldness. 17 isn't so bad.

ASMS has warped me and many of my closest friends. It has turned summer into something torturous. I can remember when I was a little kid in like 3rd grade when me and the rest of my class would be counting the days until school was over, knowing that summer promised swimming and friends and icecream and puppies. Now we're all counting the days until we get to go back to school, until we get to move back into tiny little rooms and eat 4 day old re-reheated food and work our asses off with little or no sleep, deprived of even a coffeepot. Ah, thatz the life. ASMS has ruined summer. All my friends are in different parts of the state, some even in different states and all we can think about is when we get to be together again....in this minimum security prison/school. Summer is now loneliness and boredom and work and bitchy parents who don't realize that you have taken fine care of yourself for the past 9 months without their constant supervision.

Oranges taste like happiness. :O)

My multcolored fuzzything residing under my bed were eaten by the mysterious blue fuzz of ASMS. It was a vicous massacre...fuzz flying everywhere. Lucky for me though, there were a few small enough to escape to under the refrigerator and I'm carefully raising them in a shoebox in my closet right now. For the fourth of July I let them have a few sparklers for a small celebration...that turned out to be a mistake as you could probably guess. The animosity that had been building between them and my cat came to a head whey they set her on fire. But don't worry, her hair is growing back. The fuzzy things want to go back to ASMS too.

As for the poetry. It's going well. I'm a part of the infamous Spa City Slam team and we're currently trying to raise enough money to get ourselves to Seattle, Washington for the National Poetry Slam at the end of July. We're in desperate need of money, so if anyone has like an extra 800$ just laying around we'll gladly take it off your hands. Ginna will "cut anyone up" for 50$. There will also be an auction for Adam's soul. So, get ahold of me if you're interested in either of the two.

My boyfriend is a gimp, but I love him. He cut his foot on a random razorblade at the lake. Thatz what he gets for being all athletic and shit. He was in Memphis for five weeks while I was tuck back here. But from what I can tell, Memphis isn't much better. I finally have him back though *victorious comic-book villan laugh* He's been with me for 5 days now and I don't think I'm gonna take him back to his mother. I'm gonna call her and tell her I lost her son and offer to buy her a new one, and then I can just keep him. Great plan, huh?