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Cars (in the scheme of things)

Cars (in the scheme of things): Copyright, Ben Kuchera

A little boys sticks his tongue out
At the driver in the car next to his
Not knowing the man has two ulcers
A cheating spouse, and that tonight
He'll put a loaded gun to his head
And not pull the trigger

Others drive by in their own spaces
Not aware of the milliong operas
Playing out from the faceless masses on the highway

The 16 year old,
In the '85 Buick
Slowly eases into his lane
Not aware knowing yesterdays one night stand
Has given him the plague
And tonight he sleeps with his girlfriend of five years
He gets cut off by a Cadillac
And gives it the finger
Angrily leaning on the horn

The broken man ignores the petty gesture of hate
An alcoholic with half a liver and counting
He'll never know that tonight his own son
Will wonder where he is
And cry himself to sleep again
Without his father
He won't be aware long enough
To hear the other man's screams
As he hits a car head on
Killing them both
One more vodka would have kept him...

I slow down to view the carnage dispassionately
Wrapped up in my own problems.