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I know it's been a while and I really have no excuse for not updating more often save that I'm lazy and preoccupied and no one ever comes here anyway. For a more thorough update (for you guys who have actually been here before) and an insight into my not-so-poetically tragic life for you guys who haven't go to the "Me" page.
To those who have found out that absence makes the heart grow fonder but makes the vagina hostile *hehe*

This page was last updated JULY 9, 2001 1:07 PM.

P¡çk ¥õü® P°ïš°ñ

        Learn alittle more about me..... UPDATED
« ¤Poë†r¥¤ »        A few poems by different authors...not me
QUº†ë§         Some of my favorite quotes.... Updated
Rågë        My ranting...
£ëåvë Më W¤rК        Come on, I dare you
Vïëw It!        You better have signed it already
Lïñkz        These pages are the coolest
My åwård§        They love me, they really love me
Mý §pëåkågë        My Shpeal on predgudice of all forms
Mý Pïc        See a few pics of me and my friendz
Mý VW Page        Old but mildly entertaining
Chat        Yes, we are occasionally in here
Mÿ ßümpë® §†îçk뮚        These amuse meor not

Thanx again for coming!
Chinese Ramen is ambrosia. American Ramen tastes like goat-ass in comparison.

People have visited here since 10-10-98

1019 had visited before the date above....

Sad isn't it...