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Walk softly and carry a big stick.
-Teddy Roosevelt

PEZ is like legalized Crack.

Only fools are truely happy.

Let it wash away all those yesterdays.
-Stone Gossard, Pearl Jam

There are times when it is wrong as well as useless to resist.

Of all the names flashing in my mind, only yours can steal my heart.
-Mr_Nobody AKA Sheldon

No you cannot LICK IT!!!
-Kristal Steed

One has to know how to truely hate before they can truely love.

Definately, Definately WOW!!!
-Chris Johnson

Tell her I said ppppffffttthhhhthhhtttffff....

You are the author of your own misfortune.

It's the cornstarch I tell ya, the cornstarch damnit!
-Duffie Corbin

It wasn't me!!! It was the one armed MAN!!!

I don't fear death because I know the man.
And he's got nothing especial against me.
But I am afraid of not living enough to have a
good tale to tell him, on the long walk back home.

Semi-automatic weaponry is your God-given right.
-David Gerard....

"-I've seen freakier things in my cornflakes." Not till you've seen me in a big bowl of milk.
-Justin, troll :)

There are plenty of people I'd run a stop sign for, providing they were in the intersection at the time.

HEY!... your sense of humor called today, it said it misses you.

Stand up on my table in the morning and piss on my cornflakes and see if you don't get a fork rammed right in your withered little nads.

Real programmers read Hank Bukowski while drinking paper vodka straight and eating raw buffalo.

MY GOD!!! It's a herd of orgy dogs!!!-Duffie Corbin

I live in a happy state of a pill enduced uphoria.

*Homer Simpson style*...OOOOHHHH....Carnage....

Oh my GOD....that sqeezes outa there!!!!!
-Kristal Steed

LOOK!! *pointing underwater* FWOOMAGE!!!
-Chris Johnson

I wear my mind in my sleeve and I have a history of losing my shirt.
-I stole it!!

You touch the red one I'll break your finger.
-Porkchop (refering to jellybeans)

Your not anything, then you piss me off and your monkey shit for the rest of yer life.

You Oklahomian Canadian Rubbermade Bastard.
-Kristal and I...

It's those damn glass farts!!!

Life is a all I have to do is prove it.

Are you DENSE!?!?! (said when Kristal asked him a question about...well, use your imagination)

Don't take that out!! It werx great!

Thatz it, no more nibbles for you!!

I've got you now.....CHEESEY POOFS!!!
-Godess to John during the cheese war

Actually, I do hump gurl's legs at partys.
-John Meyers

Here I am tryin to carry on a serious conversation with you and there you are, wiggling my ears.

You play with your own icecream don't you!?!?!

I'm gonna drown that damned Nun!
-David Steed

I rode that damn train...I swear it!!!!

I'd rather gauge my left eye out with a shrimp fork.

It's just the chemicals in my head...remember!?!?!

You wouldn't eat that if I told you what it was made out of....snouts, lips, and assholes.
-Kristal and Godess

Oh, OH, OH, OH, right there!!!! RIGHT THERE!!!!

This is just another layer of concrete over an already useless soul.
-Mike Vallejo

I like to wake up each morning feeling a new man.
-Jean Harlow

Remember that the most beautiful things in life are also the most useless; peacocks and lilies for instance.
-John Ruskin

Rarely do great beauty and great virtue dwell together.

Give me chastity ang continence, but not right now.

Adjustment, that synonym for conformity that comes more easily to the modern tongue, is the theme of our swan song, the piper's tune to which we dance on the brink of the abyss, the siren's melody that destroys and paralyzes our will.
-Robert Lindner

Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they're in the game.
-Paul Rodriguez

Damn squirrels keep stealing my pot. No wonder we have such happy squirrels around here!
- Alix

I was thinking that wouldn’t it be cool if there was an alien who’s speech sounded like breaking glass? I mean, he’d open his mouth and go CRASHCRASH. Wouldn’t that- hey, you asked what I was thinking!

I believe in whatever gets you through the night. Night is the hardest time to be alive. For me, anyway. It lasts so long, and four AM knows all my secrets. Four AM is when my dreams die.
-Ann (Lost Souls by Poppy Z. Brite)

I've had my first kiss. Nice and all, but now it's over. I want more. And Alex is too busy RESPECTING me!
Nicole Richardson

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