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Part 3: A Proposal, A Kiss & Family Visits. (Sullivan Manor)

Chloe was seated outside her family manor painting a water colour portrait of Lana. She had invited Mr. Whitney Fordman to join her, her father, Miss Lana Lang and Lex for tea and cakes this afternoon.

If she was going to get Mr. Clark Kent out of Lana’s head, she needed to put Mr. Whitney Fordman in it.

“Oh, Miss Sullivan. May I look? I can’t wait another moment.” Mr. Fordman pleaded.

“Very well.” Chloe smiled putting her paintbrush down.

Mr. Fordman came around. “Incredible. You have expressed Miss Lang perfectly.”

“Mr. Fordman,” Chloe laughed. “You exaggerate.”

“No I do not.”

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Lex coming towards their little party. Here was trouble on its way, Chloe though. Lex came up and looked over her shoulder at her painting.

“You’ve made her too tall.” Lex said matter of factly.

Chloe rolled her eyes and turned to mock glare at Lex.

“Really, Mr. Luthor. I would like to see you try better.”

“Perhaps it is not the measured height of Miss Lang, but the height of her character.”

Chloe turned around and smiled brightly at Mr. Fordman and than at Lana, who looked a little flushed from the complement. Chloe heard a sigh from behind her. She turned around and saw a smirk on Lex’s face, he leaned forward and said softly near her ear. “Hard at work I see.”

Chloe laughed. “Indeed I am.”

Chloe turned back to her painting but noticed that Mr. Fordman had moved a good few steps away from her after Lex had showed up. Why did he always do that? Was Mr. Fordman afraid of Lex for some reason? For the rest of the afternoon it was the same thing, Lex remained by her side as Mr. Fordman paid attention to her father and Lana and rarely made a move to go anywhere near her. Strange indeed.


(The Town) Chloe was busy looking over some new ribbon when Lana burst into the store. “Oh Miss Sullivan!”

“Lana! What ever is the matter?”

“He wants to marry me!”

Chloe gasped and then grinned. “Truly!”

“Yes. I received the note today!” Lana held out a letter. “Will you read it?”

“Certainly.” Chloe said and pulled her out of the store so they could sit on a bench outside.

“I can’t believe that Mr. Fordman proposed already.”

“Mr. Fordman?” Lana said with surprise. “No. Not Mr. Fordman, my dear friend, Mr. Clark Kent!”

Chloe frowned. Oh dear.

“Well,” Chloe began as she read the letter. “It is a well written letter. You must answer it immediately. He must have his disappointment and then move on.”

Lana frowned. “ think that I should refuse his proposal?”

Chloe felt a little pang of guilt despite herself. Lana’s face had gone from pure sunshine delight, to a little crestfallen and confused. “You intended to accept his proposal?” Chloe questioned Lana.

“Well, No I did not. I that is. I wasn’t sure and that is why I came to see you.”

Chloe folded her hands in her lap. “I really fear, it is not my place to intrude in your private life Lana.”

Lana reached out and clasped her hands. “But I value your opinion so much Miss Sullivan. You always know what is best for the world!”

Inwardly Chloe smiled, it was true, she did always know what was best. “I feel Lana that if you think that Mr. Clark Kent is the most wonderful man you will ever meet in this world, than you should not hesitate in excepting his offer of marriage.”

Lana ducked her head than looked up. “I am determined…that is I have made up my”

Chloe looked closely into Lana’s eyes as she made her decision. “...refuse Mr. Clark Kent? Oh, do you think that is right? Or wrong? Is it wrong?” Lana asked desperately, nearly close to tears.

“If you are sure, then you are sure.” Chloe said patting Lana’s arm. “Come, I will help you write your response.”


(Lex’s Mansion)

Lex notched another arrow and let it fly at the target. He had invited Chloe and her father over for some archery and tea. Of course, Gabe was now fast asleep on the porch of the mansion while he and Chloe continued their match of archery.

“Very well, I admit it. You have improved Miss Lana Lang.” Lex said.

Chloe smiled brightly up on him as she picked up her arrow and aimed. “I hope you are not the only man to have noticed her improvement.”

Lex laughed. “No indeed I’m not. I believe in fact that shortly your friend Miss Lana Lang will hear a very good piece of news. Something to her advantage.”

Lex watched Chloe’s face closely. He knew that if Chloe held any power over Lana Lang’s choices of future husbands, than he would learn just how much today.

Instead, Chloe put her bow down. “Really? And who would be the young man who confides in you about Miss Lana Lang’s news, good or bad?”

Lex smirked. Chloe always knew how to fish out her information, but he was never one to let Chloe have all the details.

“I have reason to believe,” Lex began, “That Miss Lana Lang will receive an offer of marriage from a man desperately in love with her.”

Chloe smiled coyly. “Really? Who?”

“Clark Kent.” Lex said.

Chloe dropped the arrow she had just picked up. Lex frowned. He knew it! The little minx had already messed up the engagement before it could even happen. Instead of confronting her about it though, he continued.

“He came and visited me a few days ago, to ask about it. He is a tenant of mine, and a good friend.” Lex emphasizes the friend part, which was in fact true. Lex didn’t put a stigma on society rules as Chloe did. “He asked me if it was too early for him to settle down, or if Miss Lang were too young, or if he were beneath her in status.”

Chloe raised her chin. “A good question to ask.”

Lex walked around the archery table towards Chloe. “I never hear better sense from anyone than from Clark Kent. He proved that he could afford to marry and I said that he couldn’t have picked a more lovely bride.”

“No indeed, he could not!” Chloe snapped.

Lex grinned. Chloe had turned her back on him and was now removing her archery gloves, slapping them on the table. She was in a foul mood all right. Finally she turned around.

“Come. I will tell you something in return.”

Lex inwardly sighed. Here it came.

“Miss Lana Lang received his marriage proposal.”

“Oh yes.” Lex said with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes. He was refused.”

Lex let his face freeze in the cold expression he was famous for, the look that sent grown men running for cover. “I’m not sure I understand.”

Chloe went to move past him, but he reached out and grabbed her arm pulling her back in front of him.


“He asked, she refused. It really isn’t that complicated.”

Lex swore. “Then she is a greater idiot than I thought.”

Chloe gasped. She tore her arm from his grasp.

“The most incomprehensible thing in the world to a man is a woman who rejects his offer of marriage.” She hissed at him.

Lex slashed his hand in the air. “I do not understand it because it is madness. You better be wrong Chloe.”

“I can’t be wrong. I saw her answer.”

“You saw…” Lex shook his head, closing his eyes in frustration. “Saw her answer did you Chloe? I bet you wrote it!”

Chloe went again to move past him. “If I would have done, I would have done no wrong. He is not Lana’s equal.”

Lex again pulled Chloe back in front of him, this time holding both her arms tightly in his hands.

“You stupid girl!” He snapped at her. “He is her superior in sense and situation. Lana Lang has no higher claim of birth or education than Clark Kent!”

Chloe’s checks were bright red with anger. “She is a gentleman’s daughter!”

“Of nobody-knows-who! She has no family to recommend her! The match was a step above for her!”

“WHAT! A farmer! For my friend, someone I could not admit as my own acquaintance!”

Lex shook Chloe. “She thought that Clark Kent was good enough for her and her friends did too until you took her under your wing! You began to puff her up, vanity on a weak mind produces nothing but trouble.”

Chloe pushed out of Lex’s arms, her anger making her very emotional. A tear had slipped from her eyes, she was so upset. “Do not yell at me about vanity Mr. Luthor! You dismiss her beauty and good nature, but I would not be very much surprised if men in general didn’t find those two qualities the highest that any woman could posses!”

“Men of common sense, do not want silly wives Chloe!” Lex yelled, his temper fully unleashed.

Chloe turned her back on him, her hands working to rub the tears of anger from her eyes. Lex inwardly cursed, he had never before lost his temper so violently in front of Chloe. He knew that many said he was a tough man, with a temper that could put someone to death. But he had never shown that side of himself to Chloe before. Even though she was in the wrong, he felt the need to comfort her. He reached forward and touched her shoulder.

“Chloe.” He whispered softly.

Chloe sniffled in response.

Lex sighed and turned her around with his arms and then pulled her into a hug. “I am sorry Chloe.”

Chloe closed her eyes and leaned against his chest, her hands digging into the front of his shirt.

“I did not mean to get so angry with you, but you are in the wrong.” Lex said softly against the top of her head. He kissed her mop of hair. “Clark Kent loves Lana Lang, you should not have interfered.” Chloe sniffled again.

Lex reached down, tipped Chloe’s chin up slightly looking into her watery eyes and then he did something he really had no intention of ever doing that day. He kissed her. Just a light kiss, something that wouldn’t startle her. Her lips were already swollen from her teeth pinching them as she had cried. Then it was as if the year of pent up emotional frustration snapped in him and he moved his arms tighter around her back, tilting his head to deepen the kiss. Chloe suddenly yanked herself out of his arms. She pressed her hand to her lips, staring at the ground, then she looked up at him with red rimmed eyes and bruised lips.

Lex could see the confusion and anger in her eyes. She was trying to understand what had just happened and couldn’t understand it. He reached out his hand to her, but she pulled back slightly, her breath catching on a new round of tears.

“I do not understand you Lex!” She said on a sob.

“Chloe...” Lex began.

Chloe shook her head. “No. Please, no more...that was a mistake, it should never have happened. I want to go home.”

With that said, Chloe began to half walk, half run up the hill towards his mansion.

Lex blew out his breath, picked up the arrow Chloe had dropped on the ground. He smacked it on the archery table. “Damn!”


(Luthor Estate)

Chloe felt her heart leap as she saw Lex enter the ballroom. His father and stepmother were throwing a little afternoon luncheon and she knew he would be here. It had been three days since that kiss. Chloe felt her stomach do summer salutes. She didn’t understand why he had kissed her. He couldn’t possible love her!? Could he? She couldn’t really remember much about the argument, her emotions were in such tangles by the end. She had thought about going to Mrs. Luthor, Martha, to talk about it. But...she was Lex’s stepmother and Chloe didn’t want to see a split in the family over a stupid silly kiss.

Lex actually looked as embarrassed as she felt as he made his way over towards her.

“Good evening Miss Sullivan.” He said politely. “How are you this evening.”

“Better, Mr. Luthor.” Chloe replied, she could feel her cheeks going pink even as she tried to keep her voice calm.

“About the other day,” Lex began. “I wanted to apologize for what happened, I had no right to…approach you as I did.”

Her father was sitting down in a chair just behind Chloe.

“What is that Lex?” He asked. “Did you two have a fight?”

Chloe turned and smiled down at her father. “Yes Papa. But I have forgiven Mr. Luthor, just as soon as it was over I forgave him. We all get caught up in our emotions that we can’t control every now and then.”

Lex gave her his first smile of the evening. “Miss Sullivan. You are a forgiving soul.”

“And you Mr. Luthor are a forgiving critic.” Chloe said on her own smile. Whatever had happened between the two of them was thankfully cleared up. Whatever that kiss had been, likely it was what she had thought it to be, Lex trying to comfort her in his own way. It was just that she had never been kissed so...wonderfully before in her life. But what did she expect from a man such as Lex Luthor, he was renown in Metropolis for his ‘cher amies’ and he was no schoolboy that was for sure. It was a shame that her first beautiful kiss had come from the man she considered a brother most of the time. Although, Chloe did admit to herself, that she had noticed Lex in a new light in the past few months, but that meant nothing. Really. Nothing at all.


(The Road to Sullivan Manor)

Chloe strode along the country road, arm in arm with Lana, each had a shawl around their arms as fall was fast approaching now. She had just returned from doing her local rounds of visiting the sick and poor in the Town.

“I’m sorry I was not more help to you Miss Sullivan. But I always fear that I will make a sick person worse somehow by being around them.”

Chloe smiled. “Its quite alright Lana. Oh. Look! There is Mr. Fordman’s house, a shame that I can’t think of a reason for us to go in.”

Suddenly Lana tilted her head and asked. “I do wonder Miss Sullivan, why is it that you are not married.”

Chloe was a little taken a back. She had never thought of that before, she wasn’t old by any means. And so she answered truthfully. “I have no great desire to marry. I lack neither fortune, nor position and I could never see myself as better loved by any man than my father.”

“But to end up an old maid like Miss Helen Bates...”

“It is only her poverty that makes her position. A single woman of good fortune is always respectable.” Chloe looked forward again. “Oh! Mr. Fordman.”

Mr. Whitney Fordman appeared to be returning from a walk and was now heading over towards them. “Miss Sullivan. Miss Lang. How fortunate! I was just on my way to visit the Clarks.”

Chloe looked sharply over at Lana who smile faded around the edges.

“Oh yes Mr. Fordman,” Chloe interjected quickly. “We have just come from the Nashes house. Lana and I were helping out the poor sick Mrs. Nash.”

“Um,” Mr. Fordman began. “May I escort you home?”

“Of course.” Chloe smiled, situating herself quickly to the right of Lana so that Mr. Fordman was to Lana’s left. “Tell Mr. Fordman my dear, how you helped me today.”

“Well...” Lana began.


(Sullivan Manor...three months later)

“Careful Chloe! The Baby, it might have an infection.” Gabe scolded Chloe as she picked up her niece.

“Really Papa.” Chloe responded. “This is your grand-daughter and perfectly free of infection. Oh Bella, she looks just as beautiful as you.”

“Thank you Chloe, but it is Sarah that far outshines my beauty.”

Bella Luthor said as she brushed a soft curl out of her daughter’s eye.

“Well, at least you made it out to see me at all this Christmas season Bella. Family is always most welcome at this time of year.”

Gabe said from his chair next to the fireplace.

Lex looked at the two Sullivan daughters across the room, holding the charming baby with the soft blond curls between them. Never was there a lovelier picture, Lex thought. He put his drink on the mantle and walked over towards the women.

“I do believe this is the finest Luthor yet Julian, you should have brought her sooner to Sullivan Manor.” He said to his brother as he looked at his niece in Chloe’s arms.

The baby gurgled at Chloe and swatted her arms in the air.

Julian came over to stand next to his older brother. “The two of them make a fetching pair, don’t you think?”

Lex moved his eyes to his younger brother, who gave him his own version of a smirk. Julian had known for months now how Lex obviously felt for Chloe. In a way he was happy for his older brother, but wished that he would get a move on things with Chloe. Julian was much more impatient then he ever was, Lex thought. It had been over three months now since that late August kiss that he had shared with Chloe. She seemed to have completely forgotten about it and continued on with their friendship as if nothing had ever happened. Lex was beginning to understand though that he could never return his feelings back to the way they once were, he was in love with her. She didn’t know it, and he had no clue as to how to show her how his feelings had changed. For the first time in his life, Lex feared the rejection of a woman.

Bella finally moved away from Chloe to go sit with her husband Julian. Lex took the opportunity to move over and sit next to Chloe who had sat down with her baby niece in her lap.

“If you accepted adults with as little whim as you did children, we might always agree.” Lex began.

Chloe raised her eyes up to Lex and smiled. “Really Lex, why must it be that any argument we ever have always comes from my being in the wrong?”

“Perhaps it has something to do with the gap in our ages, I was twelve when you were born.”

Chloe rolled her eyes at him. “I will admit that you were my superior back then, but hasn’t the lapse of twenty one years closed that gap?” “Narrowed it.” Lex said on a grin, he reached out and let his finger get caught by his nieces hand.

“I am just so happy that we have gone back to the way we once were.” Chloe said with a great smile.

Lex inwardly sighed, “I know you are Chloe. And nothing gives me more pleasure then to see you happy, you know that.”

“Dinner is served.” The butler announced.

Lex rose as did Chloe. Chloe’s sister Bella came over and took her daughter into her arms. “So Chloe my dear, when are we to meet this new friend of yours that Alexander has been telling us about?”

“Miss Lang? You will meet her on this Friday at the Luthor’s Christmas Eve Party. It looks as thought to be a very rewarding holiday for her.”

Lex rolled his eyes. When would Chloe Sullivan ever learn?


(Carriage ride to Luthor Estate)

Chloe smiled as Mr. Whitney Fordman joined her father and her in their carriage. They had offered to pick Mr. Fordman up for the Luthor’s Christmas Eve Party.

“I’ve so been looking forward to tonight,” Mr. Whitney Fordman began as the carriage moved, “A party is a party, but a Christmas Party!” Chloe smiled politely.

“Where is Miss Lang?” Mr. Whitney Fordman asked.

Chloe sighed. “Miss Lang is ill and can’t be with us this evening.” Chloe inwardly smiled as Mr. Whitney Fordman looked wonderfully crushed to hear that news.

“A sad loss to the party.” Mr. Whitney Fordman said.

Chloe turned to her father and winked at him. Her father rolled his eyes.

“She will be missed at every moment.” Mr. Fordman continued, “However, I feel, and I think you will agree Miss Sullivan that small parties are always better. And how fortunate that the snow came tonight instead of yesterday, when it would have made this party impossible. Now THAT, would have been a real cause for sadness don’t you think?”

Chloe tried to hide her frown at Mr. Fordman’s remarks.

Her father however, began chuckling with laughter and quickly hid it by pretending to cough.

All right, Chloe thought, perhaps she would have to work a little more on getting Mr. Whitney Fordman thinking about Miss Lana Lang.


(Luthor Estate) “Chloe!” Mrs. Luthor smiled as Chloe made her way over to her. “Wonderful that you could make it. But where is Miss Lang?” “Ill I’m afraid.”

“Oh dear. Well, I have news that will cheer you up my dear. My third step-son, Lucas Luthor is coming to visit us very soon.”

“Really?” Chloe smiled. “I’ve heard so much about him over these months I feel as though we all know him so well already.”

“His adopted mother has finally beaten off her illness and is recovering well. He hasn’t confirmed a date yet, but he says he hopes for early spring to come out here to Smallville.”

Chloe reached over and hugged Mrs. Luthor. “That’s wonderful news.” “Yes indeed it is.” A voice said.

“Alex.” Mrs. Luthor said. “I didn’t hear you sneak up on us.”

Lex smiled, “I’ve come to steal Miss Sullivan away for a while.” Mrs. Luthor smiled, “But of course. I should attend to my guest a little better.”

Lex reached out and placed her arm in his. “So, I see that Miss Lang didn’t make it tonight.”

“No.” Chloe sighed. “I fear that with Mr. Whitney Fordman it might be a case of ‘out of sight, out of mind’.”

Lex laughed. “I think you are very correct on that matter Chloe.” “So? How are you taking the news of your younger brothers visit?” “Very well. Here sit down.”

Chloe took the seat beside Lex, next to the fire.

“I have actually been to see him a few times.”

“Really?” Chloe frowned. “You never told me.”

“You never asked.” Lex smirked.

Chloe shook her head at Lex. “Very cute. Well, what is he like?”

“More refined than any Luthor I’ve ever met, and well mannered too. A nice fellow.”


Lex reached over a tugged on one of her curls. “Don’t get any matchmaking ideas into that head of yours Chloe Sullivan. You promised that Mr. Fordman and Miss Lang were your last victims.”

Chloe turned her head away on a smile. “Perhaps.”

“Chloe I...” Lex began but was cut off by Mr. Whitney Fordman who appeared behind them on the little couch.

“I hope I am not interrupting.” Mr. Whitney Fordman began.

Lex shook his head. “No, no."

“But Miss Sullivan, I can’t stop thinking about Miss Lang’s condition.”

“She will be happy to hear of your concern Mr. Fordman.” Chloe said. Suddenly, Mr. Fordman sat down right between her and Lex. Lex was forced to move away a little and looked even a little angry over that fact. Before Chloe could say anything though, Mr. Fordman’s face was right in front of hers.

“How could I not be concerned. The whole situation is very alarming! There is nothing worse that a sore throat. And that is why I must, in the presence of your friend Mr. Alexander Luthor, ask you to stop visiting her!” Mr. Whitney Fordman declared.

“What!” Chloe frowned.

Behind Mr. Fordman’s back, Lex had to cover his mouth to stop his laughter from coming out.

“You are putting yourself at risk, and we can’t have you do that, isn’t that right Mr. Luthor?”

Lex nodded his head, looking dutifully concerned. “I absolutely agree.”

“You would wouldn’t you?” Chloe muttered.


Despite the brief moment of humor over Mr. Whitney Fordman’s declaration. Lex had one think to say about Fordman. Damn! Damn that stupid idiot! He had to come over and sit himself right down between Chloe and he when they were having such a good conversation.

Whatever fear he had managed to instill in Mr. Whitney Fordman had obviously worn off since the summer months. It seemed that Fordman was getting bolder in approaching Chloe again, even while Lex was still around. Perhaps, it was time to switch tactics from scary looks, to scary words. Perhaps he could even get Fordman to leave Smallville…permanently!

“Oh dear.” Chloe’s voice broke Lex from his thoughts. He hadn’t noticed that her sister had been talking to her.

“My father is distressed by the weather and wants to leave.” Chloe explained to Lex’s questioning look.

Julian Luthor appeared before the small group. “Chloe, we’ll take your father home in our carriage.”

Julian looked over at his brother, and Lex flashed him a warning with his eyes. What was his brother up to?

“Mr. Fordman, would you...?”

“Not to worry Mr. Luthor. I will safety see that your sister-in law gets safety home.”

“Thank you.” Julian said, smiled and turned to go.

Now he had one thing to say about his brother, Lex thought, damn! Damn! Damn him, why did he have to ask Fordman to take Chloe home? Lex frowned. He was going to have to deal first with his brother, then with Fordman. In fact, he wasn’t going to let Fordman be alone with Chloe. He’d follow the carriage by horseback to make sure nothing happened. Nothing better happen!
