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Chapter 4: Disasters & A New Guest.

(Carriage ride to Sullivan Manor)

Chloe looked out the window of the carriage. This evening had been completely ruined! She sighed, feeling that she had to make a small effort for conversation between her and Mr. Whitney Fordman she turned and began, “The weather has really...”

Suddenly Mr. Fordman launched himself across the carriage to sit right next to her, he grabbed one of her hands and held it to his chest. What on earth!

“Miss Sullivan, please! Fate has left us alone for only one reason!” “What?! What are you doing. Let go of my hand!”

“I do not hold your hand so much as hold tight this opportunity...”

“What! Let me go.” Chloe snatched her hand out of his grasp and flattened herself against the side of the carriage.

“Please!” Mr. Fordman made to reach for her again. “I am hoping...fearing...ready to die if you refuse me. My attachment, my love, and passion can’t be held back a moment longer!”

Chloe began to feel panic. What was Mr. Fordman saying?!

“Go back to your seat Mr. Fordman!” She said in her sternness voice.

“I love you!” Mr. Fordman declared as he reached across to her and yanked her forward, his mouth smacking on top of hers. Chloe began hitting his head and wrenching her mouth away.

She hit him in the chest and he let her go. She stumbled to the other side of the carriage.

“Mr. Fordman, you have obviously drunk too much wine at the party. This is me, Miss Sullivan, not Miss Lang. You have mistaken us.”

“The only effect of the wine I feel is the strength to declare my love to you.” Mr. Fordman said and again jumped over to her side of the carriage.

Chloe went to jump out of the seat, but he grabbed her arms and pinned her in place.

“I never cared for Miss Lang.” Mr. Fordman declared. “Who could think of anyone but you when you are near?”

“Oh God.” Chloe moaned, her eyes closing. She would not throw up. She would not!

“Everything I have ever done was to prove my love for you!”

“Oh God.” Chloe said a little louder.

“Allow me...let me...”

Chloe twisted her head to the side as Mr. Fordman launched another attack of the fish lips.

“Get off of ME!” Chloe screamed.

Mr. Fordman instead took her face in his hands and tilted her head back to his so that he could place those thin, fish lips back on her. She WAS going to throw up!

She managed to get her mouth away again and screamed louder than she ever had in her life. The carriage suddenly rocked to the left as it came to a jolty stop. Chloe used the opportunity to slap Mr. Fordman across the face, yank herself out from under him and pushed her way out the door and landed in a heap of snow by the road.

Her driver looked down at her. “Miss Sullivan? What’s wrong?”


Chloe, half-choking on tears as she stood up from the snow, turned, and saw Lex jumping off of his horse and coming towards her.

“Chloe?” He took her by her arms, seeing her tears and disheveled hair and ripped evening cape.

“Oh Lex!” Chloe sobbed and went quickly into his arms.

Lex’s arms felt like steel around her as she buried her nose into his thick black traveling coat.


He was going to kill that bastard, Lex thought as he held on tightly to the scared and crying Chloe in his arms. He should have known better than to let Fordman travel alone in a carriage with Chloe. If that bastard did anything to her…he would have to beg for his life.

The carriage driver looked inside the carriage. “Mr. Fordman’s still in here, Mr. Luthor. He’s passed out from the looks of it.”

Chloe had stopped crying and was now shivering.

Lex took off his coat and quickly wrapped it around her. “Chloe. Sweet, I want you to go stand by the carriage horses with your driver."

Chloe looked up at him, eyes wide. “What are you going to do?”

“I’m just going to talk with Mr. Fordman about what he did.” Lex said tightly.

“But...but I didn’t tell you what he did.” Chloe whispered.

Lex’s jaw constricted. “I can guess. Go.”

Lex waited until Chloe was away from the carriage. Then he climbed up inside and dragged Fordman up by his neck collar.

Lex slapped Fordman across the face. “Wake up!”

Fordman blinked, obviously dazed.

“Mr. Luthor, what? Where?”

“You son of a bitch!” Lex cursed. “I see that my warning weren’t taken seriously Fordman.”

“What? I don’t...”

“I can’t kill you, I can’t do serious harm to you here in front of Miss Sullivan. But, mark me on this Fordman. If you EVER come near Chloe again I will hunt you down and hurt you a million times worse than you did to her tonight. Is that understood Fordman?”

Fordman blinked in the face of Lex’s absolute fury.

He nodded his head jerkily.

“Good. Now...”

Lex pulled back his fist and smashed it into Fordman’s face. Lex sighed as he let the unconscious and bleeding man fall to the floor of the carriage. He just couldn’t stop himself from breaking the man’s nose. Chloe would be shocked, but it was worth it.

Lex climbed down from the carriage. He motioned for the driver to come over.

“Take Mr. Fordman back to his house. I will take Miss Sullivan back to my father’s house. Once you are done with Mr. Fordman, go back to Sullivan Manor and explain what happened and where Chloe is spending the night. Understood?”

“Yes milord.”


Lex turned and walked over to where Chloe stood still looking pale and shocked. He leaned down and kissed her on her head. “It’s alright Chloe.”

“What did you say to him?” She asked, the quiver was gone from her voice.

“I told him to stay away from you for his own health. Then I…told him to sleep it off.”

Chloe frowned and narrowed her eyes. “Really?”


“You hit him didn’t you?” Chloe asked.

Lex gave a small Gaelic shrug.

Chloe leaned into him. “I would not be unhappy if you had hit him…he was...”

Lex nodded his head. “Don’t think about it any longer. Come. I’m taking you back to my parents house.”


“It’s closer to go by horseback to my parents house than to go to your home. I won’t have you back in that carriage with that snake. I won’t take no, Chloe. Come, let’s get you on that horse.”

“Your coat...”

“Keep it.”

Lex took her over to his horse, putting her up in the saddle, then swinging himself up behind her. “Alright?”

“Yes.” Chloe said.

She turned slightly and wrapped her arms around his waist leaning against his chest.

Lex nodded his head to the carriage driver who took off alone the road.


(Luthor Estate)

“Oh good lord!” Mrs. Luthor exclaimed as Chloe and Lex explained what had happened.

Mr. Luthor’s face seemed to go purple. “That bastard! Pardon me my dears, for the language.”

Mrs. Luthor shook her head. “You are well justified in that remark Lionel. Come Chloe, let me take you upstairs and get you warmed up. Hill! Bring me up some warm hot chocolate and cookies.”

Lex shook the last of the snow off of himself.

“Speaking of warming up. You should sit in front of the fire Alex. Come.” Lionel Luthor said.

Lex went without speaking over to the study with the warm fireplace. “You knew he would do something to her didn’t you Alex?”

Lex sighed. “I suspected. If I was sure, I would never have let her leave with him in the first place.”

“You love her very much don’t you son?”

Lex frowned, staring into the flames of the fire. “I love her enough to let her decide her own fate.”

“Ahh.” Lionel said.

“What?” Lex asked, turning to look at his father.

“That’s how I felt about your mother. She was sixteen when I first met her you know, and her parents would not let her come out until her 21st year. I had to wait patiently until then, and while I did, I found that I couldn’t come in and take away her freedom of choice. I let her choose me. And I’m glade for it.”

Lex nodded his head slowly.

“But,” Lionel added. “That never meant I couldn’t encourage her choice.”

Lex gave a small smile.

“And going on Miss Sullivan’s choices…I would suggest giving her as much encouragement as you can.”

Lex gave a small laugh. That was certainly true enough.


Chloe sat on top of the covers of her bed. She had been unable to sleep since Martha had left her to get some rest a few hours ago. The fire was still roaring away in the fireplace. The chill had left her body, but had remained in her mind.

How could she have been so wrong about Mr. Whitney Fordman’s character. He had seemed to be such a truly charming person. She remembered what Lex had once told her, ‘appearances are often deceiving’. Lex.

He had rescued her. Wait! How had he known that there would be trouble? Why had he followed her carriage on horseback? She’d never even asked. Chloe frowned.

She reached over and picked the wrap that Martha had let her borrow. She wrapped it around her, took up a candle from the side of the bed and went to the door.

Perhaps, Lex would still be up.

She tiptoed down the hallway. Suddenly, she heard a creak coming from the library off to the side of the main hallway.

She quietly went over and pushed the door opened slightly. There was Lex, siting in a large plush leather chair. He had removed his jacket, and only had his shirt on, open at the collar. He was asleep. She was going to leave and close the door when suddenly Lex’s eyes opened.

He blinked. “Chloe?”

“I…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you. I couldn’t sleep and I heard a noise and...”

“It’s alright. Come in.”

Chloe tiptoed in, leaving the door slightly agar.

“I wanted to ask you,” Chloe began. “Why were you so close behind the carriage?”

Lex sat up a little straighter in the chair. “I was following you home, in case.”

Chloe twisted her fingers in her wrap. “In case…Mr. Fordman did what he did?”


“How did you...I mean...”

“Chloe,” Lex sighed. “Sit down.”

Chloe took the seat opposite to him in front of the fireplace and put down her candle.

“Chloe, as much as you think you know about the world, you do not know some things that I know. I could see the way Mr. Fordman looked at you, I knew that his character was flawed.”

“You tried to warn me, I remember.”

Lex nodded his head. He leaned forward and took her free hand. “Chloe. I’m sorry you had to experience what you did.”

“I kept thinking he had fish lips.” Chloe said softly.

Lex actually burst out laughing. “Have you ever kissed a fish?”

Chloe smiled. “Well no, of course not. But I imagine that was what he kissed like, not at all like yours.”

Chloe suddenly froze. They hadn’t spoken about that day in months, would Lex let the comment slip?

“Chloe. I…you’ve been through a lot today. I don’t want to make this day any harder on you. You should probably go back to bed.”

Chloe bit her lip. “I...Lex. I know one way to make me forget what Mr. Fordman did.”

“Oh yes?” Lex asked.

Chloe stood up suddenly and stepped closer to Lex.

“Could you...”

Lex looked into her eyes and Chloe had to look away.

Lex stood up as well, tilting her head back towards him. “What Chloe?”

“Would you kiss me Lex?”

Lex smiled softly as he looked into her eyes.

Chloe’s heart felt like it was going to explode.

Lex leaned downwards, and simply touched his lips to hers. His hands remained by their side, but Chloe didn’t want that.

Chloe moaned, closing her eyes, she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his waist. Lex’s arms wrapped around hers. His lips were like rubbing silk as they moved against hers. It was just as wonderful as she remembered...better even!

Suddenly, Lex’s arms tightened and he pulled her upwards, her feet dangling off the floor.

Chloe pulled her lips back so that she could catch her breath.

“Lex.” She whispered.

“God Chloe.” Lex moaned. He rested his forehead against hers. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted you to ask me that.”


“Really.” Lex smiled into her eyes. “But not like this.”

Chloe frowned.

“You’re in shock Chloe. You don’t know what you're asking.”

Chloe smiled, shaking her head.

“Yes. I do.” She leaned forward and kissed him again.

Lex suddenly sat down in his chair, taking Chloe down onto his lap.

“Chloe.” He said as he pulled away. “There are 101 reasons we shouldn’t do this here.”

“Well, you name then all. And I’ll listen attentively...” Chloe trailed off as she began to kiss his cheek and neck.

“Wait! No!” Lex suddenly commanded. Jumping up out of the chair and pushing her away from him.

“Chloe. We can’t do this.”

Chloe felt tears prick her eyes. “Why not?!”

“You’re in shock!”

“I don’t understand you Lex!”

“I’m practically a brother to you Chloe!”

“No you aren’t!” Chloe pleaded. “Please! I know you wanted to kiss me, you said so yourself. Tell me that you love me!”

“Chloe....” Lex said tightly, then turned his back to her. “Go back to bed.”

“I’m sorry...I know that wasn’t very must think me a horrible person...” Chloe stumbled over her words.

“Go back to bed Chloe.” Lex said again with the same dispassion in his voice.

Chloe whirled, stumbled and then ran from the room.


Lex reached down, picked up his glass and shattered it against the fireplace. Fordman wasn’t the only bastard in Smallville. God! What had he just done! Chloe had pretty much laid herself at his feet and he had pushed her away. Why? Because she was in shock? Partly, that was the reason. The main one that he couldn’t tell her, was that he was in serious danger of taking much more advantage of her than Fordman ever did in the carriage.

“Damn it!” Lex swore again. He stared into the flames of the fire for a long time before he turned away from and decided to head to bed. He left the library and walked down the corridor to where his room was when he stayed with his parents. He walked on until he came to it, pushing the doors open. He pulled off his shirt. Threw his boots to the ground and walked over to the bed, hands on his pants when he froze. In the moonlight, he made out the body of Chloe curled up in the covers of the bed.

Lex blinked. No, she was really there.

She must have gone to the wrong room in her distress when she left him.

He turned to go.

“Lex?” Chloe’s sleepy voice echoed across the room.

Lex turned around.

Chloe had her hand out to him. “Stay.”

Lex frowned. What was the minx up to now? She was half-asleep, probably didn’t even know what she was asking.

Lex was about to refuse but then he decided against it. The bed was large enough, he could sleep without waking her and in the morning, he’d just carry her next door to her own bed. No one would be the wiser. His conscious rose with a vengeance, telling him this was worse then what Fordman did to her tonight.

Instead of listening to his conscious Lex nodded his head. “Alright.” He kept his pants on, pulled back the covers and slipped in on the other side of the bed. Chloe immediately moved over and rested her head against his chest.

“Thank you.” She whispered and quickly went back to sleep.

Lex rolled his eyes in the dark. He doubted he would get any sleep at all.


Chloe woke up the next day with a bit of a headache, but despite that nothing else was wrong. She felt well rested and...oh lord! She had asked Lex to kiss her last night!

Chloe felt her cheeks go bright red. God, how embarrassing.

Hopefully, he would just chalk it up to her being in shock...just as he had said. She noticed as she got up from the bed that her slippers were still on…how odd. Then suddenly she remembered dreaming that Lex had come into her room last night...and she had asked him to stay with her and he had. Lord! What a night to dream such a thing.

A knock on the door startled her.

“Yes?” She called out.

“Chloe dear, its Martha.”

“Please, come in Mrs. Luthor.”

Martha opened the door and came inside carrying a tray of breakfast.

“How are you feeling?”


“Good. We received a message from your father last night, he was most distressed. But is glad to hear you are well.”

“And I am.” Chloe said on a smile. “It takes more than just one small disaster to break my Sullivan will.”

Martha smiled. “Lionel and I will take you back to your father this afternoon.”


“Oh, he had to run off to Metropolis bright and early this morning to take care of some business. He sends you his regrets though.”

“Oh, I see.” Chloe said softly.


(Sullivan Manor)

It had been a week since the incident of the carriage and the kiss between her and Lex. Considering all of that, Chloe thought that she had recovered very well indeed. As had Miss Lana Lang. She’d made a full recovery from her cold and was now able to receive visitors. Chloe hated to be the bearer of bad news, but she had to break it to Lana somehow.

“I have some news about Mr. Whitney Fordman.” Chloe began. “He has left town.”

Lana set her teacup down. “Why?”

“In his letter to my father, he wrote that he was relocating to Gotham City for a recover from…to make new friends.”

“I see.” Lana said.

“I must make a confession to you Lana, Mr. Whitney Fordman who I had so hoped would be taken with you…well, he was actually taken with me instead. Of course, I in no way return his feelings.”

Lana smiled softly. “Do not worry Miss Sullivan. I never really thought that I deserved Mr. Fordman’s attentions on me. So in a way the news isn’t that bad.”

Chloe smiled. “Thank you Lana, you have eased my mind greatly. Now my dear, come. Pick up your wrap, I’ve agreed to go visit Miss Bates this afternoon and I can walk you home on the way.”


(Helen Bates House) “Oh Miss Sullivan, what a treat it is to have you come and visit us. And we were just talking about a topic that would greatly interest you.”

Chloe smiled politely. Please don’t let it be a letter from that ninny Desrie Attkins, she thought.

“Yes, here it is. A letter from Mrs. Cole, a school chum of mine who has news about Mr. Whitney Fordman in Gotham.”

Chloe winced. Oh no.

“Yes. Mrs. Cole writes ‘he has been the toast of every young ladies eye’. Well of course that can be no surprise to any of us. Oh dear, Miss Sullivan you suddenly look pale. You must be hungry! Let me get you some cake.”

Chloe smiled as much as she could and took the slice of fruitcake. “Well. Another surprise Miss Sullivan is that we have also received a letter from Desrie today. As you know, Desrie writes usually on Tuesday and today is Thursday. But here is a letter from her.”

Chloe wanted to crumble into her chair. Could this day get any worse?

“Here we’s the letter.” Miss Helen Bates said.

“And could you perhaps summarize the letter in your own words Helen?” Chloe asked hopefully.

Miss Helen Bates gasped. “Oh, I could never describe her news as lovely as Desrie is able to put things. Now, the bad news is that she has a cold.”

“Oh no.” Chloe said with the right amount of fake sympathy.

“Oh yes. But the good news is much better! She is coming for a visit and you must help us when she arrives Miss Sullivan. Yes. You must sit just where you are right now and say...”

(Helen Bates House...a month and a half later)

“We are so glad to have you with us. How were you able to get away?” Chloe asked Desrie Attkins. Just as Miss Helen Bates had asked her to say.

Desrie Attkins, who Chloe had to admit was a very lovely looking lady with shinny brown hair. Perhaps a nose that was a little too narrow, and was a trifle too thin, but besides that she looked very well.

“Well,” Desrie answered. “The Cambells have gone to Ireland on holiday and so I’ve come here, which is better than any holiday.”

The Cambells, Chloe had since learned, were close friends of Desrie’s parents and had taken her in upon her own parent’s death.

Chloe nodded her head at the remark. Desrie appeared to care for Miss Helen Bates and her mother. Perhaps she is kinder than I originally though, Chloe thought to herself.

“Tell Miss Sullivan, whom you met in Crater City.” Miss Helen Bates implored.

Desrie opened her mouth to speak, but Helen beat her to it.

“Mr. Lucas Luthor! That’s who!”

“Oh!” Chloe smiled. “I hear much about him, but have never seen him. Was he handsome?”

Desrie smiled shyly. “Many say he is.”

“Was he agreeable?”

“He was in no way disagreeable.”

“Was he a man of information?” Chloe desperately asked.

“All his statements seem correct.”

Chloe leaned back in her chair. I take it back, she thought. Desrie Attkins is absolutely boring!


(Sullivan Manor) “She was horrid!” Chloe exclaimed.

Lex looked at her across the table. Chloe, who didn’t hate many people in this world...except Mr. Whitney Fordman perhaps, seemed to hate Miss Desrie Attkins.

Gabe frowned as he cut his food. “You exaggerate.”

“No I do not! She wouldn’t tell me anything about Lucas Luthor.” Lex reached for his wine. “Why would you care to hear so much about my younger brother Chloe?”

Chloe frowned at him. “Because you are so good at keeping him a secrete, I thought for sure that Miss Desrie Attkins would tell me all about him.”

“Is that all?” Lex inquired with a raised eyebrow.

Chloe frowned. “Of course.”

“Perhaps you dislike her so much because she divides our small town attentions away from you.”

“Ha!” Chloe laughed. “Really Mr. Luthor you are so comical, you ought to perform in the Town Square.”

Lex sipped his wine and put it back down again. He wondered if by all appearances, Chloe was as well recovered from Mr. Fordman’s…advances…as she looked. She had obviously put the second kiss they had shared out of her mind once again. She hadn’t spoken about it to him in the past few days that he had been back in Smallville, and he had not made the move to bring it up.

“Oh. I have some news.” Lex suddenly remembered. “I received a note this morning, from Gotham. Mr. Whitney Fordman is going to marry.”

Chloe dropped her fork onto her plate. “Marry?”

“Yes. He will marry in Gotham and return to Smallville with his new wife.”

“I see. I don’t know what to say, except that I’m shocked. At least…he has moved on.” Chloe said.

Gabe reached over and patted his daughter’s hand. “At least we can be assured now that his attention will no longer focus any where near you. Although…I’m not very happy to hear that he is returning to Smallville so soon. It’s only been two months.”

“Yes. Well don’t worry. I’m sure the Fordman’s will stay away from us, if they know what is good for them.” Lex said matter of factly. “Oh dear.” Chloe suddenly gasped. “I will have to tell Lana. I hope she won’t be too crushed.”


Chloe’s chance came the very next day when Lana showed up at the Manor for their afternoon tea. Before she could say anything though, Lana sat down with a surprised look on her face and blurted out. “I’m in a state of complete shock!”

“You’ve heard?” Chloe asked.

“Heard what?” Lana frowned.

“Oh, nothing. Continue.”

“Well, I was on my way here for our visit. It started raining, so I ducked into the corner shop. As I admired some fabric in the shop, who should come in but Miss Elizabeth Kent and her brother Mr. Clark Kent. Oh! I thought I would have fainted! They saw me and began whispering and then…oh…Miss Sullivan. I could not believe this, Miss Elizabeth Kent came up and spoke to me. She said she was very sorry that we had never met before. Then I saw that Mr. Clark Kent was coming over to me and he said good day. Then, he told me that he had managed to read The Romance of the Forest! And he said it was very good.”

Lana paused and took a deep breath.

“Well. Finally I said that I had to go, but then he followed me! I was just three steps outside when he came out in the rain and told me that I was better to take the route by Mr. Symms Stable in case the main road was flooded.”

Chloe nodded her head slowly.

“Oh Miss Sullivan! I feel so confused!”

Chloe reached over and hugged Lana. “It was only awkward because this was the first time you had spoken to Mr. Clark Kent since you refused his proposal Now, the kindness thing to do is to put Mr. Clark Kent out of your head for good.”

Lana sniffled slightly against Chloe’s shoulder. “Yes. I will. I will do so immediately.”

“Wonderful.” Chloe said, pulling back with a smile.
