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The Queen's Darkness

Also known as Doyle, he is the captain of The Ravens and is one of the most feared of all the gaurds. His trade mark is the spider and he is also called the holder of the painful flame which is a greenish yellowish flame that he is able to conjure in his hands.
His skin is entierly black, as in the ebony blackness of an empty windowless room. His hair is also jet black and falls to his ankles, usually worn in a braid down his back. He also has the pointed ears that tell of his elvish heritage, as well as an ancestry related to a pouka and the Hell Hounds of the great hunt.
In relation to Princess Meredith, he was the gaurd who frightened her the most when she was younger. As she recalls, whenever her aunt the Queen would call out for her Darkness someone would bleed or die.