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Dear Diary,
Today Aunt Nell gave me a gift completly out of the blue, it was this diary. She said my mother had one that was just like it when she was my age. I really don't know what to write about though, so I'm just winging it so far. I'm sure I'll get better later on.

Dear Diary,
Well the week is nearly over at school. Whitney and I were supposed to get together tonight, but his dad wasn't feeling well again. I supposed Aunt Nell gave me this diary to help confind into, since she says we don't talk like we used to. That's true, with running the Talon and the flower shop things have been pretty bussy around the house.
Today at school I got two assignments back, my english essay I got 87% and my math test I got an A on it. Whew! I was worried about the essay, I've been so bussy at the Talon. Thankfully we managed to hire two more waiters and so its not as bad. Clark came by there after work today...Whitney was working at the store again. Well, I'd better stop writing and go to sleep now.

Dear Diary,
It's been a while since I wrote anything. A lot has happened to me over the months, and I just didn't have the energy to write them down. Plus I forgot that I had a diary at all. Well, let's see...I guess the most important thing to tell you is that the Talon has become the most popular place in Smallville for coffee. Yeah! It's been doing really well.
The school prom is a tommorow, but I won't be going this year. Whitney has signed up for the Marines and he ships out tommorow. I wish he'd told me sooner. I had a dress picked out and everything.
Now, I feel like I should be wearing black or something. I have a feeling that Whitney is going to leave me just like everyone else I ever love has left me.
Clark and Chloe are going to the prom together. I'm really happy for them, especially for Clark. I kind of got the feelings that he's liked me for a while. I'm happy he's found someone. Really.
Oh, okay, in a diary you're supposed to be honest. I'm honestly surprised that he's going out with Chloe. She's really sweet but...I feel a little jealous watching them together.
Anyways, that was Nell calling me for dinner. I'll sign off until later.

Dear Diary,
I'm protected my angels I swear. It's the only reason I could be alive. A huge storm came through Smallville. My truck got pulled up into the tornado after I had dropped Whitney off at the bus stop. Oh my god! But I made it and I'm alive.
I'm really scared for Whitney. All I can think about is getting through my first summer without him around. I've got a lot lined up to do with the Talon. Trying to keep bussy.
I'm too tired to write more.

Dear Diary, It's too hard for me. I can't handle a long distance relationship. I need Whitney here with me, to listen to me talk face to face. I hear his words in his letters and e-mails, (and I know I'm being selfish) but I just really need someone to lean on.
Nell has been really bussy this summer as well. In fact, I think she might be seeing someone. I don't know.
Clark has been completely caught up with the farm after the huge storm. It's been weeks since I've seen him for more than a second.
Chloe has gone off to Metropolis for the summer and Pete is bussy at his part time job.
I've tried riding to relax myself, but it just reminds me of Whitney and how he isn't here to do things with me.
I don't know what to do

Dear Diary, It's been a while again, I should call you a monthly diary. The summer is over, September is here, but were going through a huge heat wave that makes you think we've just started summer.
Biggest news. Lex got engaged and married! Yesterday! I was at the wedding yesterday, Desrie looked very beautiful. I wish my wedding could look like that...but not be so hot.
Well, I thought that Clark and Chloe were dating. But it turns out that they decided they were better off friends. I kind of saw that coming.
I think I'm going to break up with Whitney.
I know its mean, and selfish. But I just think it's unfair to both of us to keep something going that was breaking up before he left.
Honestly, I couldn't see us together if he hadn't left to go to the marines.
I think part of it could also be that I'm kind of liking Clark...just a little bit.
Anyways, until later.