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Lex Luthor was born in 1980 to Lillian and Lionel Luthor. He was born and raised in Metropolis under the power of the Luthors. Lex had wasn't always bald, until he was 9 years old he had bright red hair. While on a trip to Smallville with his father, he was exposed to the Meteor crash which caused him to loose all his hair.
annhhh...sleeping cutie

A few years later when Lex was 13 his mother Lilian passed away after being ill for a long time. Lex also lost a brother who only a few weeks after being born died suddenly in his crib, his name was Julian.
All of this tragedy in Lex's life has caused him, despite being brilliant to also lash out against his father by being a social misfit in his teenage years. His father never gave him restrictions, just told him not to cause a scandal or get caught. Lex has learned a great deal of hate from his father.
With great wealth comes women. And Lex has certainly seen his fair share. There's been Victoria, Desrie(annuled marriage) and most recently Helen. And anyone can imaging more on the side as well.