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Metropolis City, Present Day.
“...Furthermore Mr. Quincy to the addressed speech of Senator Tully. I personally hold no ill towards the Senator and whatever past times he might engage in after hours...”

“But that’s exactly the problem!”

Lex Luthor glanced up from the document he’d been scanning. “Please, don’t interrupt me, Hal.”

Lex had been trying to avoid this meeting for over a month, but finally Senator Tully’s PR representative had butted his way into his meeting schedule. Lex crossed one leg over the other and pretended to have the least amount of interest in whatever Hal Quincy was saying...which really wasn’t that hard.

Hal Quincy visibly gulped before settling back down into the leather chair. “Sorry Mr. Luthor.”

“To sum it all up...Hal. I don’t think Tully has what it takes to survive and that is why I am drawing away my financial support.” Lex flung the document onto his desk. “Look, tell Tully that he had his moment and it’s passed. You’re his PR rep, you’ll be able to explain it to him.”

The PR rep in question looked like he’d rather swallow a few million bugs then explain the situation to his employer.

“Very well Mr. Luthor. Thank you for taking the time to see me.” Hal blubbered as he rose out of the chair.

Lex leaned back in his chair, waited for Hal Quincy to leave and then let himself smirk over his own little ingenious plot.

“Alright, which country did you just add to the Lex Luthor map of world domination?”

Lex looked up with genuine surprise. “Chloe!”

Chloe Sullivan walked towards him, her purple and gold suit looking like she’d stepped out of a very chic display on Thailand fashion. She stood halfway between his desk and doorway, her hands placed on her hips.


“Well what?” Lex asked as he continued staring at her appealing outfit.

“Stop ogling my legs and tell me who you just managed to buy out, lock, stock and soul.”

“Just another Senator. Nothing too important. I like your skirt.”

“No, you like my butt in my skirt, but stop trying to change the subject.”

Lex leaned forward resting his arms on his desk. “Was I trying to do that?”

Chloe shook her head and laughed. Her blood hair fell over one eye and she pushed it back. “Fine have it your way. I just stopped by to tell you I was back in town.”

“I can see that. But why the personal appearance Miss Sullivan?” Chloe gave her own version of a smirk. “Maybe...just maybe...I wanted to see you.”

“Hmm. And what would your husband have to say about that.” Lex asked with a growing smile.

“Well,” Chloe began, “You know he’s awfully busy. Doesn’t have much time for me anymore, so he won’t miss me at all. In fact, he was gone for two full weeks once and I only heard from him three times. I’ve been gone on assignment for twelve days and I don’t think he even knows I’m back in town.”

Lex stood up behind his desk and came around to stand in front of Chloe, his hands shoved into his pant pockets. “Really? The man’s a fool.”

“He’s brilliant...but emotionally retarded.” Chloe said as she reached out and played with one of Lex’s buttons on his white shirt.

Lex stared down into the clear blue eyes of his wife and for a moment he really did feel the love that she felt for him. “I know. Sorry.” Lex leaned forward, hands still in pockets and kissed his wife of two years.

Chloe slipped her arms around his waist and pulled him a little closer, she nipped at his bottom lip and he pulled back.

“What?” He asked.

“Aren’t you going to ask me why I’m back early?” She said with a teasing hint in her voice.

Lex looked into her eyes and a frown gathered on his face, what was she up to? “You’re not sick are you?”

Chloe laughed “No. I’m not would think that wouldn't you? Always jumping to the worst case scenario. Nope, not sick...just pregnant.”

Lex froze.

"Lex?" Her voice sounded muffled. "You in there?"

Lex swallowed. "You're sure?"

Chloe took pity on Lex, she smiled and patted his cheek with her hand. “Sure as I’ll ever be. I got the test done two days ago and the Journal doesn’t want to risk your anger about me being around bombs and terrorist so they sent me back early from my assignment.”

Lex pulled Chloe forward and held her tight.

“Lex. Okay, just loosing up the grip a little.”

Lex let her go. “Sorry. Are you okay, do you need to sit down?”

“Lex! I’m pregnant, not dying.”

“I’ll call Dr. Simons.”

“I don’t need Dr. Simons.” Chloe said with a half laugh as Lex forced her to sit down on the couch.

Lex went for the phone.


Lex turned back to Chloe, she was trying not to laugh at him. “Relax. Just take a deep breath and relax. I’ve never seen you like this before.”

Lex put the phone on his desk and leaned back on the edge of the desk. “We’re going to have a baby.”

Chloe walked towards him. “A baby Lex. It’s only taken us two years, but its finally happened.”

Lex nodded, looking at his wife. “I don’t want you staying in Smallville while your pregnant. Who knows what could happen to our baby with the meteorite all around here.”

“Hey,” Chloe said. “We both live around here and we’re both normal.”

Lex shook his head, “No. You’ll stay in Metropolis with me and a team of doctors and...”

Chloe rolled her eyes at him and Lex found himself shutting up.

“Lex. Relax. Nothing is going to happen, I’m fine really. Now, how about taking your pregnant wife out for a meal to celebrate?”

Lex took Chloe’s hand away and gave it a squeeze. “You’re wonderful you know that.”

Chloe looked as if she were considering that thought for a moment. “Yes I suppose I am to have to put up with you all these years.”

“What do you mean put up with? Wasn’t I the most amazing boyfriend, who else would have taken you away to Paris for a weekend, or Thailand for New Years or...”

Chloe kissed him quickly and then pulled back, her arms back around his waist. “You’re babbling Lex.”

Lex smirked. "Luthors don't babble."

"Blah blah blah." Chloe replied.

Lex was about to say something when Chloe suddenly frowned and said, “We’ll have to tell Lionel.”

Lex’s eyes became hodded and he looked away from Chloe.

Chloe gave Lex a little shake. “He is our child’s grandfather Lex, no matter how much you hate him and I can’t stand him, we do have to tell him. But maybe, not tonight, or next week. How does six months down the road sound?”

“Sounds perfect.” Lex said.

He pulled Chloe down onto his lap on the couch and kissed her until then were both short of breath and had to pull back. Chloe smiled and rested her head on his chest, her hands rested lighty around his neck. He couldn’t have imagined all those years back in Smallville that this would have been the woman he would marry and spend the rest of his life with. He had been so concerned with separating himself from his father and finding his own power in the world that he never once considered that he'd ever find strength from the woman he married. Desrie and Helen had taken care of killing off that thought for a few years.

“Remember our first official date?” Chloe said suddenly inturupting his thoughts.


“Our first official date, the one where we got stuck in traffic for two hours and ended up having that fight in the limo and I walked out on you and tried to walk home in the rain?”

Lex smiled against Chloe’s hair. “Of course. I remember chasing after you in the rain, I especially remember the way that dress of yours clung to you tight cute little...oww!”

Chloe pulled her nails out of Lex’s back. “You really do have a thing for my butt don’t you?”

“You know it.” Lex said on a smirk.

“I'm just glad I knew when to stop running..." Lex grinned into Chloe’s hair. “I'm glad too...or else I would have had to carry you over my shoulder and forced you to marry me."

Chloe snorted. "You wouldn't have done that?"

"Want to make a bet?"

Chloe just leaned her head back onto his chest.

Lex smiled, content with just siting on the couch with Chloe in his arms. “Enough talk Chloe, we’d better get going if we want to grab dinner at TeaRose.”

“Oh yummy. I can’t wait to have the angel hair spinach dumpling pasta! Let’s vamoose!” Chloe said jumping up from his lap.

Lex reached behind him for his cell phone. “Let me just...”

Chloe reached over, took his cell phone and flung it across the room. “Nope. No time, let’s go.”

Lex frowned down at Chloe. “I have to make a phone call.”


“Yes.” Lex repeated.


Lex gave her a serious frown. “I’ll be down in ten minuets.”


“Five.” Lex offered.

“Fine.” Chloe said on a total about face with a grin and a kiss on Lex’s cheek. “See you in the car.”

Lex stood stunned. It never ceased to amaze him how much Chloe had gotten under his skin over the past five years. She really had him wound around her little finger. Who would have imagined?

Chapter 1