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Don Veinot wrote this synopsis of What is a Cult for Campus Life Magazine. Don is president of Midwest Christian Outreach (MCO)-- an organization that provides resources and seminars on detecting cults and on defending you Christian faith. For more information see or call (630) 627-9028

I asked Don if I could use his synopsis and show examples of what the cults believe and teach. You may be surprised! (Used by Permission)

While the specifics vary from group to group, here are some general characteristics of religious cults that distinguish them from being genuine Christian beliefs:

All-knowing leadership-An individual or group of people claims to be sent by God to "rule" the one true religion-- which only includes members of that particular cult.

The Jehovah's Witness founder, Charles Taze Russell was considered a prophet and "the Laodicean Messenger". The Watchtower Society claimed that God used angels to communicate with their organization. Jehovah's Witnesses believe the Bible cannot be understood today without their interpretation. Members are discouraged from independent thinking which is considered satanic. Disagree with a Jehovah's Witness member and they will call you a devil.

No room for difference-Cult members must believe exactly the same way and in exactly the same things; there is no room for disagreeing with the cult's rules and doctrines.

It's the Watchtower way or the highway. There is no room for disagreement, and those who do will be chastised and name called. Do an Internet search on former Jehovah's Witness testimonies and you will be appalled. Members can be thrown out for celebrating holidays, working for or participation in interfaith activities and even a blood transfusion.

Down on Christian doctrines-Cults often depict basic Christian doctrines and beliefs (like trinity, deity of Christ, salvation by grace through faith) as "full of holes" and completely illogical.

The Jehovah's Witnesses deny the Trinity doctrine, the Deity of Christ, the very Person of Christ, His death on the cross, His atonement, His resurrection and His role as the Son of God. They deny salvation by God's grace, man's immortal soul, and the existence and punishment of hell.

A new and better way-Cults often claim they've been given a "special revelation" from God that's superior to the Bible, or explains what the Bible is REALLY trying to say.

Anytime an organization adds books to the Bible, you have a cult. In the case of the Jehovah's Witnesses you have the New World Translation that is a rewritten Bible that adds and deletes words to fit their teachings. The Watchtower Society claimed that God used angels to communicate with their organization.

Scriptures get an added twist-Bible verses are often taken out of context or twisted to mean something very different from what was originally intended.

Some Jehovah's Witness Twisting:

John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." NASB The New World Translation: "the word was a god".

Colossians 2:9 "For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form," NASB The New World Translation: "divine quality" instead of Deity. The verses are twisted to take away the Deity of Christ.

Philippians 1:23 "But I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better; NASB New World Translation: "what I do desire is the releasing and the being with Christ," This verse is twisted to promote soul sleeping.

Genesis 9:4 "Only you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood." NASB

Leviticus 17:26-27 "You are not to eat any blood, either of bird or animal, in any of your dwellings. Any person who eats any blood, even that person shall be cut off from his people.''' NASB The verses are twisted to deny blood transfusions.

"Christians are wrong"-cult members believe that God has given their group the job of pointing out "heretical and evil" teachings of Christianity.

Biblical Christians are wrong and the Devils tool. I have been called a devil by members for refuting their false doctrine. Those who do not worship like the Jehovah's Witnesses are worshipping satan.

Works prove faith-Cult members often claim their good works are superior to those performed by Christians, and they say their works prove their religion is the one-and-only truth.

The only reason they Jehovah's Witness is knocking on your door is to prove their faith. Every 800 knocks on the door brings another member and they are well trained. If you don't read your Bible and memorize Scripture, they will leave you tongue tied.

Salvation is a big unknown-Since cults often teach that salvation is based on performance, cult members can never know if they've done everything necessary to get to heaven.

If you are not part of the 144,000 forget about heaven, there is not enough room. The good Jehovah's Witness will "inherit the earth" by their hard work of knocking on doors and placing magazines. The wicked will enter hell but it's not the fiery place of torment that the Bible teaches. Hell is "soul sleeping" or an eternal coma that we will never come out of.

No exit-Leaving the cult is not an option, and intimidation if often used to keep cult members from even thinking about getting out.

A person who tries to leave the Jehovah's Witnesses is not in for an easy time. Testimonies of former members have included intimidation, frequent, unannounced visits and phone calls and shunning from members.

There's more! What's with the Dudes at the Door? by Kevin Johnson and James White (Bethany house) is packed with information and details about various popular cults. Look for it at your local Christian book store, or purchase online at Jehovah's Witnesses—Who Are They? What Do They Believe?
