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Kruells Korner of Hell

Religious BDSM

What's your wish?, what's your pleasure?

Designer violence made to measure

Like a velvet glove, like a ball and chain

Like the kiss of a whip when your hungry for pain

(Electric Hellfire Club, Violence is Golden)

Symbol of Power

Saint Lucifer hear me praying to thee

On this eve of all saints

High be the price but then nothings for free

My soul I'll gladly trade

......On all hallow's eve

(Type O Negative, World Coming Down)


Fuck you know who you are JUDY!   


In nomine Dei nostri Satanas Luciferi excelsil


A cool place in Hell


About me..

Fallen Brothers Pics of Freaks and Friends


Music Dark Side of the Net
Friends Links Doors to Hell BDSM Links


send me porn too!


Satans Sigil




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