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Amelia6 and I's collabration

It was a normal day in the the Slayers World. Lina Inverse, Gourry Gabriev, Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun, and Zelgadis Graywords, sat at a table in an nondescript inn. Lina, Gourry and Amelia ate and drank noisily, while Zelgadis sipped his tea polietly. Yes, it was a totally normal day. No one remarked about how normal a day it was because, well, in their terms it was a boring day, not a normal day. But to the Reader's standards, it was a normal day. Until suddenly, in walked Martina. Like we said, it was a boring normal day. Well that's what Lina thought. She took a glance around the tavern, while in between dishes and relized that they were the only people there. A little odd, yes. Lina, being as hungry as she was began to scarf down. Zelgadis just looked at the horror and nodded. He looked as if he was having a dream, of what we have no idea. That's when Zel jumped up. Amelia was the first to note Zel's sudden reaction. "What's wrong Mr. Zelgadis?" she asked. Zel shrugged her off at the time being and looked to the door. Zel studied it over as if evil was behind it. Sure Martina just entered but what else lied behind that door. Could it be that there were monsters? Possibly Gaav? That's when something or someone began to creep up behind Lina... It was small, and wiry and had sharp teeth. Lina, not noticing, chowed down on somemore food. Martina ran through the door and then let out a scream. Zel, who had been up since the door open, went to see what was out there. Amelia followed quickly. "What's wrong?" She wanted to know. Zel shu-ed her to the other side of the door before opening it. They looked out to find....

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