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..wait for it... A really ugly guy. Zel and Amelia sweatdroped. "It figures." Amelia said, disgusted. "Yeah," Zel answered. Then, Lina screamed.Gourry, being as slow as he is finally noticed something was wrong. He jumped up and pulled his sword out. What he found was of course Xelloss. Why Martina even be here if Xelloss wasn't! Xelloss sat down in his seat, which was Lina's. "What the hell did you do that for Xel!" Lina screamed. Xelloss sat there a moment and pulled his finger up, as he wagged it back and forth he said what Lina knew was coming. "That is a secret..." Xelloss said camly. Lina began to go for his throat but Amelia, Martina, and Gourry held her back. Zel was still looking at the door then suddenly he jumped. Zel had........seen... "Oh, gods!" He yelled. "It's too horrible!!!" And then he took off up the stairs of the inn. Everyone looked at him. everyone looked back at the door. Martina screamed. Lina screamed. Amelia screamed. Gourry screamed. Even XELLOS screamed. Then, all at once, they got out off their seats, with the exception of Lina who wasn't sitting anymore, and ran after Zel, who had long been gone up the stairs. The inn keeper, who had been watching this, looked out the door and wondered why they had been screaming. There was nothing out there but...a strangly dressed lady. She was covered head to toe with garments of fine silk. The Inn Keeper looked back in to the inn then looked out after he heard someone say, "Giga Bolt!" To his surprise the lady once dressed was now a huge monster. Lina Inverse had been the one to say Giga Bolt. Amelia began to help with a flare arrow and Gourry pulled his sword out. The four fierce warriors being Gourry, Lina, Amelia, and Zelgadis were working on a plan. Xelloss just sat there. He looked at the monster long and hard. Satring into his cold dark eyes and then said calmly. "Who sent you?" The monster wailed at Xelloss calmness and began to rampage. Xelloss walked up to him and said once more. "Who sent you?" The monster gave in when Lina hit him with another giga bolt. Then.......THen the big beast monster busrt out in song and dance and sang a tune to the group. It was a sining telegrah! All the words rhymed and sounded too cute to be coming out of an odd monster. Xellos stared at it in wide eyed wonder. "My master invites---yooouuuuu--" The monster finally finished "To her lair--SO pleeease Doo-oooo!" It finished happily. Everyone stared. Amelia clung to Zelgadis frightenedly, Gourry clutched Lina's arm and Martina was hiding under a table. Xellos walked up to the monster. "..Who sent you?" He asked agin. The monster smiled, again and said: "My master told me not to tell you!" And with that he disappeared.

Come Back Again to See What Happens!

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