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The Lonely Dog Co.

The Lonely Dog Co.

home of Double Down Productions.

updated... 01.30.05

You know the last time I touched this site was 08.04.01?! That's crazy. Sooooooooo much has happened in 3 yrs. It's been a long time since i fooled around with HTML but I'm giving it another whirl. I've moved to GA recently and figured this is a good way to keep everyone in the loop.

(01.30.05) So, I added the kitchen to This Old House. Don't know how I forgot to add that important room. Anyways, check it out. Fun times.

(01.29.05) First update of the new year! HOORAH! So... it snowed in GA. WTF IS THAT!? I was shocked when I woke up this morning. It seemed to ice more than anything. But beings how this state doesn't know what this cold white stuff is, everything is shut down. So I spent the day updating this flipping thing. I took some pics. Nothing terribly exciting. Although I was intriqued with the ice picture I took. Go see in This Old House! Ok, and the damn power keeps going out. So I'm going to bed. Go check out the house. I spend valuable hours on it.


This Old House...
(Updated 01.29.05)
Click here to see the biggest damn purchase in my life!

Top 5
(Updated 12.18.04)
Organizing your thoughts and opinions are a great way to make the world a better place.
Not really... but it does keep me entertained.

Do you need to relieve some stress? Here... you can use my penquin. :)

Hey look!!! I have a guestbook! (Why? I don't know.)
Sign it anyway dammit!

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