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Lycanthrope's Den

Traits of a Lycanthrope

I was talking to my nieces this afternoon, and it inspired me to write this. Someone once asked me how to cure lycanthropy. You can't. It's a part of you; it's part of your genes, your blood, your mind, and your soul. If you try and "cure" this "curse", you'll only make it worse. Embrace the gift of the beast, if you happen to have it, and deal with it as best as you can. Also, you are born with your spirit. It chooses you at birth, no the other way around. Just as you can't get rid of it, you can't just gain it. Something will happen in your life that triggers it.

You really should embrace the gift of being a lycanthrope. Very few people can truly be in touch with their animal spirit; even fewer can become that animal. Along with that, though, you shouldn't abuse the gift 'ither. In Fance alone, nearly 30,000 people were killed because they were accused of being a werewolf. We don't really want that to happen, do we? People still fear us, and, when driven by fear, will do anything.
