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If it had been the Lord's will, they would all have believed, all who are on the earth.

No soul can believe except by the will of Allah and He will place abomination on those who will not understand. (Quran10:99-100).

These verses written in the Quran mean that the Creator of this universe is able to let all the people on the surface of the earth believe Him. As for me when I look at the world around me in Europe, America, Asia, Africa and Australia with their different traditions and cultures, I say to myself how this can happen and how all the people can unite on one word! And in fact it was difficult for me to believe such verses till I came here to Germany and found out that this is really possible and Allah is able to do that.

One day, I was invited to read the Holy Quran with a group of Muslims from Indonesia, we were about ten persons. After about fifteen minutes; a person knocked at the door, entered and then sat down.

He read with us and began to teach us all including me the right way of reading. He explained the meaning of what was not understood. I looked at him and thought that he is coming from an Arabian country like Tunisia, Algeria, Syria, Libya, etc.

After we finished reading, I came near him and asked: "Where do you come from?" the answer was being expected in my mind as I told you but the reverse happened, he said that he is German. I thought he is joking so I repeated my question again, he replied that he is really German. I asked him if one of his parents or both come from an Arabian origin, he said no and added that his father died a few years ago and his mother is still Christian.

My face turned red of that surprise and several questions arose in my mind. I sat down beside him on the sofa and said to him "Can I ask you some questions without embarrassment and in Arabic?" By the way; he speaks standard Arabic much better than I.

First; how did you change your Christian religion? He answered that during his study in the secondary school and in the period of the religion lesson, he needed to ask some questions concerning the consideration of Jesus as a god or the son of the god or one of three gods in one god, and how a god is divided, and what Jesus had made throughout his life to consider him a god. Had he created this universe, these heavens and this earth, the sun and the moon and all these creatures?

The answer from the religion teacher was that he can't answer these questions but the students should keep all the statements in their mind as they are written in the New Testament without any argument. But in our generation, the generation who travelled to the moon, who invented the computer and who made thousands of incredible inventions, all of which are based on scientific theories, he said to himself that he has to look for the truth by himself.

He went to a lot of libraries looking for a book which speaks about Islam but he didn't find any book except some books about tours. In one of them, he found how the Muslims pray. He said to himself what happens if I tried to pray and to see what those Muslims do.

He entered his room after washing his body and tried to pray. Suddenly while he was putting his forehead and hands on the ground and then tried to go up again; he couldn't as his forehead and hands stuck to the ground! He was terrified of this strange situation, then a strange voice said to him "Be Muslim" but in a German language. He refused and replied No, No, and during that he tried to remove his forehead and hands but without success. The voice continued again "Be Muslim" but he replied No, No. After a while; he was in a very terrible situation and all his clothes got wet with sweat in that cold winter, he responded at the end saying "I'm Muslim" At that moment; he could take out his forehead hands from the ground!.

I him what he did after that, he said that he went to a group of Muslims in the Mosque and began to hear from them the exact rules of Islam. Then he decided to study more and more in the university here in Germany and he got the degree of Master in the science of Quran. Now he is preparing for the degree of Doctor in the Islamic studies.

I asked him about the feeling of his mother, he replied that she refused at first what he pretends and threatened him of getting out of the house and not living with her and also not giving him his pocket money although he told her that the people are all human beings of the same anatomical characters. This means that they were created by one Creator who is the Owner of this universe, who can't be seen and who must have one opinion. And all what he did is that he followed what this Owner ordered. At the end and like the hearts of all mothers to their sons; she allowed him to do what he wants. Now she prepares a special food for him, which is free of any pork or alcohol. When someone telephones him while he is praying, she answers saying to the speaker that he has to telephone another time because her son is praying!

At the end of our talk; I said to him that I'm sorry about all these questions but I have the last question: "What is your impression now about Islam after knowing its exact rules?" He answered that Islam is a comprehensive religion which orders the people to believe both Judaism and Christianity, to believe both the Torah (Old Testament) and the Gospel as coming from the Creator of this universe; to believe all the prophets whom He sent without any difference among them and then Islam came to complete both these religions and to correct what the people have false understood that the God had sent his son to the earth and allowed the disbelievers to kill and crucify him. He continued that when he was Christian; he believed only Christianity, but now he believes the three religions together.

To those who believe in Allah and His Messengers and don't make any distinction between anyone of them, those He will give them their wages and Allah is ever forgiving, Merciful. (Quran 4:152).

O you who believe: Believe in Allah and His Messengers and the Scripture which He sent to His Messengers and the Scripture which He sent to those before, and who denies Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers and the Day of Judgement, has gone far, far astray. (Quran 4:136).

O people of the Scripture! now has our Messenger come to you to make things clear after an interval (of cessation) of the Messengers, lest you should say: there came not to us a messenger of cheer nor any warner. Now has a Messenger of cheer and a warner come to you. Allah is able to do all things. (Quran 5:19).

From this story; I recognized that Allah, the Owner and Creator of this universe is able to guide all His creatures. On the other hand; He is able to destroy all of them as He had done with the people of Aad, Thamoud, Noah and the Pharos. I think we all know the last people, the Pharos with their greatness, their scientific intelligence in building the pyramids with advanced mathematical laws, which the great scientists now are not able to build such these pyramids although they could invade the planets. And also how those pharos were very progressed in all fields of science and what their bad end was.

Our present life is so short compared with the future Life, this life runs very quickly like the hands of the watch, so we have to think carefully in death and what after death!

Every soul will taste the death. And you will be paid your wages on the Day of Resurrection. Who is removed from the fire and is made to enter the paradise, he indeed is triumphant. The life of this world is but comfort of illusion. (Quran 3:185).

And let not those who disbelieve think that our respite to them is good to their souls. We grant them respite that they may grow in their iniquity, but they will have a shameful punishment. (Quran 3:178).

So Allah leaves His people although He is able to let them all believe Him to increase their doings of everything bad and they will have their punishment when they return to Him.

It is he whom Allah guides, that is on true guidance, but he whom He leaves astray; for such will you find no protector for them beside Him. On the Day of Judgment we shall gatthem together, prone on their faces, blind, dumb and deaf: their abode will be Hell: Every time it shows abatement, we shall increase for them the fierceness of the fire. That is their recompense, because they rejected our signs and said: "when we are reduced to bones and broken dust, should we really be raised up (to be) a new creation?" (Quran 17:97-98).
