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(Mohammed Gameil)


The universe in which we are living is a great mystery. A globe called the earth hung without ropes or any other things and rotates in a regular manner around itself and the sun. This globe is very small when we look at it from the surface of the moon. One can't imagine this small globe with its huge numbers of creatures on its surface. People living together, people fighting against each other for money, position or religion, people inventing incredible things. In each place on its surface; people speak a certain language which is different from the language of the other people living just at a small distance. Several languages and even different dialects within the same country although in both cases the tongues of all people are anatomically the same without any slight variation. The tongue of a certain language can speak and perfect the other languages and by this way people of different languages can talk with each other and so can exchange benefits from each other.

On the surface of such a small globe, there are also living animals belong to thousands of genera and species. Some of these animals are domestic, others are wild. They fight also against each other like the people as a kind of competition for life although the latter is characterized by the mind by which he can think, this mind is absent in the animals and so can be forgiven.

On that earth, grow also plants, flowers, trees and forests which are of much benefit and are very important for both human beings and animals. And in its air fly different kinds of birds without falling one day by the effect of earth's gravitational pull.

Don't they look at the birds, held poised in the midst of (the air) and the sky? None holds them but (the power of) Allah, verily in this are signs for those who believe. (Quran 16:79).


The globe adjusts itself from the inclination in a certain direction by the presence of huge mountains which act as roots helping for the balance of the earth. mountains appear at the first look as if they were composed of solid rocks only, but when we investigate these rocks carefully; we find them carrying another kind of ancient life millions of years ago, with the remnants of such life preserved in the rocks as fossils. Such fossils represent several kinds of organisms either invertebrates such as coral reefs or vertebrates like dinosaurs, monkeys, elephants, etc.

Beside such ancient life; these rocks contain also minerals such as iron, silver, gold, copper which are important for life. Inside this earth, there are the vital sources of life: petroleum, natural gas and underground water which are the cause of ancient and present wars among the people.

In the depressed parts of the earth, runs another world; the seas world with its water and other creatures such as fish, sharks, corals, mollusca, echinoderms, crabs, etc. Each of these organisms has a different mode of life and a different mode of feeding, some are swimmers, others crawl on the sea bed whereas others live buried in the sediments and extend tubes upward to get the nutrients. Some of these animals share their food together, others fight for getting such food. Before inventing the airplanes these seas and oceans helped for the discovery of the different continents and facilitated the movement from one continent to another and were and still are the main source of transporting the exports and imports among the people in different parts of the world.

With this small ball rotate other planets but this earth is the most suitable for life!

The sun, the generator of life on the surface of the earth is another mystery. Without a sun; no life runs on the surface of the earth. All creatures depend on the sun. This sun rises and sets in a regular manner without any interruption in it or even a breakdown for hours, because if this happened it means the end of life on the surface of the earth. How does the sun rise and set by this accurate manner everyday and from the same positions (east and west) and why there is no substitution for it in case of emergency?

In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of night and day and the ships which run upon the sea with that which is of benefit to people and the water which Allah sends down from the sky, thereby reviving the earth after its death and dispersing all kinds of beasts therein and the ordinance of the winds and the clouds obedient between the heavens and the earth: are signs (of Allah's sovereignty) for people who sense. (Quran 2:164).

The other important thing is the moon, the beautiful object with its shining light, its regular growth each month from young moon to full moon on the 14th night of each Arabic month, then old moon and final disappearance and the cycle is repeated every month without any interruption! The wonderful thing is that when we travel to that beautiful object, we find it a dark world composed of hard rocks and old volcanoes, no oxygen, no light and no life at all!

Who or what created all these incredible miracles? Is there a creator who regulated such system or there is no creator but it is the nature which regulated itself?

A group of people (disbelievers) who looked around themselves and found a controversy among the others who originally believe in the presence of a creator to this universe (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) but they differ in determining exactly who is that Creator. The Jews believe that He is the Creator who has no human characters and sent a lot of prophets; the last of them was Moses but Jesus and Mohammed are fictions like one thousand night and night. The Christians believe that He is the Creator who is divided into three gods in one god and Jesus is his son or his human part. The Muslims believe that He is the Creator who has no human characters and also believe in Jesus but as a prophet exactly like their prophet Mohammed and the Quran is the Holy Book which had been descended like the Gospel and the Torah from this Creator. The other two religions object and say that Mohammed had quoted this Book from their Books although no one mentioned where this quotation is or tried to find any mistakes in this Book which can prove that it hadn't been descended from the same God who sent the other two Books but was written by the illiterate Mohammed. Due to such controversy, cycles of wars are held year after year either between people of one religion for petroleum, political boundaries, high position and leadership or people of different religions which are totally away from the orders of religions as there is no religion orders the people to kill and live as enemies, but it is the character of the human beings who are interested in not living together as brothers in peace and are guided to these evils by the Satan who controls their minds.

Those disbelievers think that there is no creator to that universe and all we see is the effect of nature and there is no account from a god after death. Those people are wrong because there are thousands of evidences which prove that this universe had started from a certain point and so there must be one who started it.

On the other hand; I say those people have right in their opinion because of such controversy and wars among those who originally believe in a creator. But if those who believe in a creator (the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims) tried to sit together and solve these controversies, the other group will find themselves the minority in this world and so will follow the opinion of the believers.

I spoke with a number of such people, for example: a girl from China; she told me that everything even us ourselves came from nature. I asked her about Adam and Eva, she said that they are a fiction not a fact because she didn't see them! I asked her: "Did you see your grandfather and grandmother?" she replied no as they died before she was born, but you believe that you have a grandfather and a grandmother? she said yes, so how do you believe that and you didn't see them, she couldn't reply.

I asked also the same girl that she builds all her belief on what she sees, so what do we breath? she replied oxygen, do you see it? No; but you beliein the presence of oxygen in the air, she didn't reply. I asked her also: "what is passing through this electric wire of the recorder?" she replied electricity composed of a current of electrons, I asked her to bring a knife to cut that wire in order to see these electrons, she said we can't see them, but why do you believe in their presence? she didn't reply.

What about the sun? she said that she read in a book that this sun is coming to its end after some few years. I asked her what the people can do then, she replied that some people will try to invent a new thing like sun which can generate energy, so this proves that someone had made the old sun not the nature, she couldn't reply.

All evidences now prove that it is not necessary to believe only what we can see; as we believe in the presence of thousands of things which we don't see but the mind guides us to them. This reminds me with a joke which is said to have happened in a primary school. The teacher asked the pupils: "Do you see me?" they replied yes, so I'm present. "Do you see the blackboard?" yes; so the blackboard is present. "Do you see Allah?" No; so Allah is not present. But one of the intelligent pupils stood up and asked his colleagues: "Do you see the teacher's mind?" the pupils replied No, so the teacher has no mind!

Allah who raised up the heavens without visible supports, then mounted the throne and completed the sun and the moon to be of service, each runs till an appointed term; He orders the course; He details the revelation, that happily you may be certain of the meeting with your Lord. And He spread out the earth and placed therein firm hills and flowing streams, and of all fruits He placed therein two spouses (male and female). He covers the night with the day. Lord! herein verily are portents for people who take thought.

And in the earth are neighboring tracts, wine yards and vegetated lands, and palm trees growing out of single roots or otherwise: which are watered with the same water, Yet we prefer some of them than others to eat. Lord!: Behold, verily in these things are signs for those who understand! (Quran 13:2-4).

Another group of people who in my opinion equal those who don't believe in the presence of a creator to the universe, are people who were born as Jewish, Christians or Muslims but they don't practise any religious worships and rituals. From the Muslims for example among whom I was born, there are several people who are theoretical Muslims. They never go to the mosque or even pray at home. They are not good in their treatment with each other. They always envy each other. When you need a help from any of them, he doesn't offer any help. Some of them steal or rob, others are criminals, others hate any good thing like success for example when happens to you or to anyone of your family.

Are these the rules of the religion? Does the religion order the people to kill, steal, rob, envy and live together as enemies? This is not a religion at all and those people must in my opinion be placed in a lower level than those who are disbelievers.

They say: "why should we pray?" and I ask: "why should you study hard?" the answer is: to succeed in the exam. and occupy a high position in society. This answer is the same for the aim of the prayer, we have been created in this universe in order to work hard and investigate all the miracles given to us in this universe and observe the ability of the Creator in creating such things. On the other hand; collect as possible as we can a large number of good works and avoid as possible as we can doing bad things in order to pass the exam. prepared for us in the Last Day, where Allah the Owner of this universe and our Creator will judge everything.

Prepare for the day when every soul will be confronted with all the good it had done, and all the evil it had done: it will wish there were a great distance between it and its evil.

But Allah cautions you (to fear) Him and Allah is full of kindness to those that serve Him. (Quran 3:30).

This exam. is not like our exams. here in life in the form of questions and we have to put a suitable answer. It is another thing different, each of us will receive a book recorded in it all the good and the bad works he or she had done throughout his or her life. If the amount of good works exceeded that of the bad works, he or she will be welcome in the paradise, if the reverse; he or she will be thrown in the fire.

So the aim of worshipping the Creator, praying to Him and doing all good works that He ordered is to occupy a good and a high position in the paradise!

"I haven't created the jinn and the people except to worship Me" (Quran 51:56).

The trumpet will (just) be sounded, when all that in the heavens and on the earth will swoon except such as it will please Allah (to exempt). Then will a second one be sounded, behold. They will be standing and looking on. And the earth will shine with the light of its Lord: The Record (of Deeds) will be placed (open), the prophets and the witnesses will be brought forward; and a just decision pronounced between them; and they will not be wronged (in the least).

And to every soul will be paid in full (the fruit) of its deeds; and (Allah) knows best all that they do.

The disbelievers will be led to the Hell in groups: until when they arrive there; its gates will be opened. And its keepers will say: "Didn't messengers come to you from among yourselves, behearsing to you the signs of Your Lord and warning you of the meeting of this Day of yours?" The answer will be: "True: but the decree of chastisement has been proved true against the disbelievers. (To them) will be said: "Enter the gates of Hell, to dwell therein: and evil is (this) abode of the arrogant."

And those who feared their Lord will be led to the paradise in groups: until behold, they arrive there; its gates will be opened; and its keepers will say: "peace be upon you! well done! enter here, to dwell therein." They will say: "praise be to Allah, who has truly fulfilled His promise to us and has given us (this) land in heritage, we can dwell in the paradise as we will." : how excellent a reward for those who work (righteousness)!"

And you will see the Angels surrounding the throne (Divine) on all sides, singing glory and praise to their Lord. The decision between them (at judgement) will be in (perfect) justice. And the cry (on all sides) will be: "praise be to Allah, the Lord of the world." (Quran 39:68-75).





- The Creator is one who has no human characters and has no sons.

- He can't be seen or speak to the people.

- All the prophets starting from Abraham till Moses are of equal status.

- No Jesus, No Mohammed.



- The Creator is divided into three gods in one god.

- Jesus is the human part of the Creator and the non-human part had spoken to the people informing them about his beloved son.

- No Islam, No Quran, No Mohammed.



- The Creator is one who has no human characters and has no sons.

- He can't be seen or speak to the people.

- All the prophets starting from Abraham passing through Moses and Jesus and ending with Mohammed are of equal status.

- The Torah, the Gospel and the Quran had been descended from this Creator and must be all believed.

From this we conclude that: the Jews stopped their belief till Moses. This is the group that has disbelieved both Christianity and Islam at their beginning and by instinction their lineage believe what their parents believed without trying to look for the reality of the succeeding two religions (Christianity and Islam).

The Christians stopped their belief till Jesus. In addition to that they considered him as a son of this Creator or a part of three gods in one god.

The Muslims believe all the prophets and Mohammed came to the people after about 570 years of the birth of the Christ Jesus when all the people were convinced that Jesus is a god. In this case if Mohammed hadn't come, there would have been no sin on us when we meet the Creator in the Last Day and find out that He isn't Jesus or Jesus is not his son. But now everything was cleared by Mohathat Jesus was only a prophet like the many prophets who came before. And who believes; it will be good for him, and who doesn't believe; he will not harm Allah, on the contrary; He will throw him in the hell.

Say: O people! Now has the truth from Your Lord come to you. So who receives guidance, does so for the good of his soul and who strays, does so to his own loss. And I'm not (sitting) over you to arrange your affairs. (Quran 10:108).

Say: (it is) the truth from the Lord of you all. Then who will, let him believe, and who will, let him disbelieve. Lord! We have prepared for disbelievers fire, its tent encloses them. If they ask for showers, they will be showered with water like the molten lead which burns the faces. Calamitous the drink and ill the resting-place!

Lord! as for those who believe and do good works, We suffer not the reward of one whose work is goodly to be lost. As for such, theirs will be Gardens of Eden, where rivers flow beneath them; there they will be given armlets of gold and will wear green roof finest silk and gold embroidery, reclining upon thrones therein. Blest the reward, and fair the resting-place. (Quran 18:29-31).