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(Mohammed Gameil)



As I read the Quran more than twenty times and carefully, to find any controversy or any mistakes which can prove to me that Mohammed was not a real prophet but a normal man who quoted the Quran from both Old and New Testament. I really didn't find any contradictions, this is not because I'm Muslim, no, I'm now a neutral man who devoted himself to try to find a solution to our present-day wars which happen on our earth and seem not coming to an end. I invite also everyone who is really interested in removing the bloods from the surface of the earth to read the Quran and to see if it had been descended from the Owner of this universe (Jesus`father) or written by the illiterate Mohammed.

I read also the present copy of the New Testament aiming as I did with the Quran to find any controversy. It is noticed in this copy that the words are not God's words where the sentences are written in an indirect speech by the hands of the righteous people who were living during the time of the Christ Jesus and not a direct speech from Allah (Jesus`father) who sent him to guide the people to the right way. This is not only my personal opinion but the opinion of many Christians with whom I talked and who are thinking also in solving the problem of the three religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), they said to me that they would like to read the original words which had been descended from Allah (Jesus`father) and by which Jesus could guide his people to carry out what his father (Allah) ordered him to do.

Even if it is said that these words were written directly from Jesus` tongue, it is noticed that all the orders are coming directly from Jesus as it is written and he didn't mention a sentence "My father says to you: " In the following; it will be tried to write these observations, probably the meaning couldn't be well understood.

CHAPTER 3:16. And Jesus, when he was pabtized, straightway out of the water, and Lord: the heavens were opened unto him and he saw the spirit of God descending like a dove and lightning upon him.

When this sentence is read; it is understood first that the spirit of God had descended upon Jesus after he was pabtized and went out of the water. This means that he was born first by a similar way as the human beings are born and then the spirit descended upon him. So HOW WAS HE BORN? and HOW CAN HE SEE THE SPIRIT BY WHICH HE WAS ORIGINALLY BORN? was he born by a normal sex union between Allah (Jesus`father) and Mary (Jesus` mother), and then the spirit descended upon him!? oh; glorified Allah.

Second; Jesus after being pabtized saw the spirit descending upon him like a dove and lightning. So; HOW COULD THE SPIRIT BE SEEN BY THE RIGHTEOUS PEOPLE WHO WERE WITH JESUS AT THAT MOMENT? If Jesus saw it, I agree but had the people around him really seen it and therefore recorded in the Bible or Jesus had told them that he saw the spirit descending like a dove and lightning, and what is the advantage of telling them about that? to convince them by this miracle which happens for the first time.

Third; Jesus as mentioned in the Quran was born as a child and spoke in his cradle where the spirit had descended directly upon Mary from Allah carried by the Angel Gabriel and by this way Jesus was born. So HOW COULD HE SEE THE SPIRIT AGAIN descending like a dove and lightning? Was that another spirit for Jesus to become a youth rather than the first spirit of child-hood!?

The Originator of the heavens and the earth! How can He have a son, where there is for Him no consort, when He created everything and is aware of all things. (Quran 6:101).


CHAPTER 3:17. And Lord, a voice from heaven, saying: "this is my beloved son, in whom I'm pleased."

In this sentence, it is understood that the people had heard the voice of Allah (Jesus` father), informing them about his beloved son. If I believe that Jesus is a son of Allah, I can't believe that the voice of the Creator can be heard, if we agreed that Jesus is the part of Allah who has a human character, I can't believe that the father (Allah) who has no human characters spoke to the people and they heard Him.

Also what is the aim of saying to the people: "This is my beloved son" his only speak to people is completely enough to believe without sending any prophets, for example: if now a voice was heard directly from the heaven saying: "I'm your God who created you and the universe in which you are living" and we heard this voice by our ears; I think this voice is completely enough for all of us now to believe.

On the other hand; Allah was asked by the prophet Moses to see Him to be convinced and so can guide the Jews with confidence, this had not happened at all but Moses had only heard Him. No human either a righteous man or a normal person can see or hear Allah (the part of three gods in one god who has no human character!).

Also, what is the necessity of saying: "My beloved son"? all fathers like their sons whether their sons are good or bad. The saying my beloved son may mean that Jesus is more preferable to his father than other sons, so who are those sons? The saying "in whom I'm pleased" He must be pleased with his son without any necessity to say it to the people or He was afraid that the people may think that He is not pleased with Jesus. Also Jesus was sent from his father to let the people believe his father after all the prophets who came before and couldn't convince them! In my opinion; it was worth to say: "This is my son, whom I sent to you to believe in my existence!" or not to mention this sentence at all; for the people they may laugh at this god who descended to this lower level and allowed himself to speak to them (Glorified Allah). If we say that the prophet Moses had heard Allah, we accept that this had happened because he is a prophet but the most important is that he hadn't seen Him. Had any human being other than Moses, for example his brother Aaron heard Allah with him? the answer is of course No.

This was a miracle of Moses` miracles like any prophet who must have had a miracle in order to convince the people with it.

CHAPTER 4:8-9. Again the devil taketh him up unto an exceeding high mountain and shewth him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them and said unto him: All these things will I give you; if you will fall down and worship me.

From these sentences, It is understood that Jesus, the god or the son of the God or one of three gods in one god, had not any idea about this universe when he came to it! so how can a god who is supposed to have created or participated in the creation of this universe have no idea about this kingdom? and who was going to show it to him, the devil! why hadn't his father showed it to him? How had this situation happened with the devil although if we considered Jesus as the son of the God or one of three gods in one god; this god had created this devil and knows him carefully whatever the form in which he appears and the devil knows surely that this god can't be deceived unless with a prophet or a normal person! Had the devil intended to deceive the God who created him as he deceived Adam and Eva? The devil can't think at all in deceiving the God Himself because he knows the punishment!

CHAPTER 5:17. Think not that I'm come to destroy the law or the prophets: I'm not come to destroy but to fulfil.

This is very good that Jesus was coming to complete after the prophets who came before, to fulfil but not to destroy. But it is written in another chapter that:

CHAPTER 5:31. It has been said: whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorce. But I say to you: that whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery, and whosoever shall marry her is divorced commiteth adultery.

From this we notice that the sentence "it has been said" it is meant the Jews and their prophet Moses and the Old Testament in which the divorce was allowed. So, who allowed this writing of divorce to the Jews? isn't He Allah (Jesus` father) who gave His orders to Moses? in this case as it is pretended; Jesus had destroyed the law of his father but not fuas he s! indicates that Jesus hadn't prevented the divorce at all because he can't destroy the law of his father and he is innocent of these accusations.

It is noticed also that Jesus says: "I say to you" so he gave the orders from himself. But it was worth to say "My father changed his mind and prevents you now from the writings of divorce" (Jesus is innocent of all these accusations).

CHAPTER 7:21. Not everyone that says unto me Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven.

From this it is understood that any person will not enter the paradise unless he does what the father of Jesus said. In this case the good Muslims who believe in Allah, the Creator of the universe (the father of Jesus!) and in the prophet Jesus as he came to the earth to fulfil and not to destroy will enter the paradise because they believe in Mohammed as a prophet exactly like the prophets who came before him. I mean if they found out in the Last Day that Jesus is really Allah's son or one of three gods in one god, they will say to Allah (the father) that they believed Him and in Jesus as a prophet but not as a son of His majesty because He is more glorified than having a son. In this case Allah (Jesus` father) will let them enter the paradise but in a lower class than the Christians. But if they found out that Jesus is really a prophet and Allah has no sons; they will enter the highest class in the paradise. So the good Muslims are in the safe-side in both cases because they do the will of Allah (Jesus` father) in whose hand the final judgment will be.

The Christians will have a probability of 50% in entering the paradise. In the first case (if Jesus is Allah's son) they will be placed in the highest class in the paradise, but if Jesus is not really Allah's son or one of three gods in one god, they will be thrown directly in the hell.

The Jews will have no probability in entering the paradise because they believe in Allah but his last prophet is Moses without believing in Jesus or Mohammed. So who believes the God (Allah) must believe whom He had sent because both Jesus and Mohammed are not fictions but a fact.

The second observation is the use of the relative pronoun "WHICH" with the god. This word is used with things not with persons, it is worth to write "my father WHO is in heaven!"

CHAPTER 9:28. And when Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him, crying and saying: Thou son of David, have mercy on us.

And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him: and Jesus smilth unto them, believe you that I'm able to do this? they said unto him, yea Lord.

The question is: those two men were coming to Jesus to cure them, so they shouldn't have said "Thou son of David" because this means that they didn't believe Jesus as a son of Allah and since they were asking for the mercy of Jesus, they should have at least told a lie at that moment in order that Jesus agree to cure them.

Also how had Jesus accepted the saying "the son of David"? Why hadn't he said to them "I'm not the son of David, I'm the son of the God ?" On the other hand; why had Jesus asked them if they believe in his ability to cure the disease or not and this would be proved automatically when they become able to see normally? and what was the answer that Jesus would expect? of course they will say yes because they are coming to ask for his mercy and so must give a positive answer. Also, they came to him crying and asking for his mercy after hearing about his ability to cure the diseases and to let the dead people come again to life, so there was no need to ask this question from Jesus. (Jesus is innocent of these accusations).

CHAPTER 10:22. And you shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endures to the end shall be saved.

Who will hate the Christians? the Muslims! for me as a Muslim, I have a lot of Christian friends whom I don't differentiate from the Muslim ones, this is because my religion and the Quran order me to have a good relation with the Christians because there are among the Christians priests and popes who know the truth of Jesus as a prophet and they believe in Allah as one who has no sons!

In my country Egypt, there are good relations between the Muslims and the Christians, sometimes the Christian friend is much better than the Muslim one and there is no hate at all. And who hates the Christians in the of Jesus although the Muslims respect Jesus and his name exactly like their prophet Mohammed! either they consider him as a god or we the Muslims consider him as a prophet.

The second observation is: All of us believe that the Bible had been descended from Allah (Jesus` father), so the words should be written as coming from the father not from Jesus. So this sentence must be written: "And you will be hated of all men for the sake of my son's name" (Jesus is innocent of these accusations and he hadn't said this at all.


CHAPTER 10:32. Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my father which is in heaven.

It is understood from this that Jesus will stand in front of the Christians in the Last Day and tell his father (Allah) about who believed him and who didn't. This neglects wholly the ability of the God (father) who created this universe and who knows every atom in it to differentiate by Himself those who followed his son from those who didn't!

The second observation also is the use of the word "WHICH" to substitute for the father, instead it is worth to write "My father WHO is in Heaven"

CHAPTER 10:38. Ye have heard that it hath been said "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. but I say unto you, that ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also"

For the matter of taking the right in return in case of murder; this was allowed from the God (Jesus` father) as mentioned in the Old Testament "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" In the New Testament; this law is forbidden by Jesus as it is pretended. The question now is: HOW HAS JESUS CHANGED THE LAW WHICH ALLAH (JESUS` FATHER) HAS PUT TO THE JEWS although he had come to fulfil not to destroy? Has his father ordered him to do so? in this case the God has changed his mind by putting a law to the Jews and forbidding it to the Christians and then returns again to his first opinion and allows it to the Muslims. Which a God who changes his mind between now and then? the term "God" means: He is that who created this world and knows every large and small in it. He created all these people with their different languages and traditions. It is supposed because He is a God that He knows from the beginning the characters of people whom He is going to creat and He knows well what suits them and what not. So How does He put laws for people (the Jews) and forbids these laws for another people (the Christians) and then returns to his old laws and allows them again for another kind of people (the Muslims). If the God is by this way to change his mind from time to time, I think it is better for me not to believe in any god at all and to consider all these creatures as coming from the nature not from a god.

Woe to those who write the book with their own hands, and then say: "This is from Allah" to traffic with it for a miserable price!

Woe to them for what their hands wrote and for the gain they make thereby. (Quran 2:79).

To take the right in Islam in case of murder; there are three possibilities which suit all the people according to their internal characters throughout the different ages and till the end of this life. The first possibility is to kill an equivalent in number and age. This is because many families, from which one old person is killed, they try to kill many without any limits as they can. By this way; the opposite family will also try to kill as many as they can and the fight will not come to an end. But Allah put these limits for two reasons: the first is to stop such fights quickly, the second is that no one will try to think in the murder because he is sure that someone of his family will be taken in return. Some people understand thias an invifrom Islam or Judaism to the murder, but as you see; it is not to kill; it is to take the right and this is a justice.

For the people who refuse the kill in return, Allah (Jesus` father) gave the second possibility which is to pay the family from which one is killed.

There is a third kind of people who refuse to kill in return or to accept taking money or so, they accept to forgive for what happened. Those people are more lovable to Allah and He will compensate them by what is much better than the kill in return or the money or so.

O you who believe: the low of equality is to you in case of murder: The free for the free, the slave for the slave, the woman for the woman. And for him who is forgiven somewhat by his brother, prosecution according to usage and payment to him in kindness, this is alleviation and a mercy from your Lord. After that he who exceeds the limits will have a painful doom. (Quran 2:178).

These are the three possibilities which are available in the religions in case of murder, and because Allah (Jesus` father) knows that the characters and thoughts of his creatures are not the same, He put such possibilities but as a general rule He forbade the kill of a soul.

On that account: We ordained for the people of Israel that if any one killed a person- unless it be for murder in return or for spreading mischief in the land; it would be as if he killed the whole people.

and if any one saved a person; it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. (Quran 5:32).

On the other hand; we hear now about the countries which don't forgive when one of its inhabitants is killed and ask for more than the return although they are not Muslims!

The second thing is that Jesus ordered not to kill, so how can we explain the current war in Yugoslavia? and who is responsible for the continuation of this war? Are they the Muslims? it is surely not because the Muslims in Yugoslavia constitute the minority, for example: if a war happened in Egypt between the Christians and the Muslims, I`ll be sure that the Muslims will start this war because the Christians in Egypt are the minority and can't fight. The Muslims in Yugoslavia can continue a war only in one case: if they have taken a promise from the Islamic countries to offer the help but as we see now; no Islamic country offered any help to the Muslims in Yugoslavia and they are fighting alone. In this case why do the Christians in Yugoslavia try to extend the war although their religion prevents them from doing that?

And those who invoke not with Allah any other God nor kill the life which Allah has forbidden except for justice-cause, nor commit adultery and who does this; shall pay the penalty.(Quran 25:68).

 CHAPTER 13:17. For verily I say unto you, that many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which you see and have not seen them; and to hear those things which you hear and haven't heard them.

This part shows that Jesus says to his people that they are much better than the prophets whom his father had selected. So he puts the prophets in a level much lower than the normal people of the Christians. How can Jesus say this and he said before that he is coming to fulfil what the prophets before him had done and not to destroy? and how can he prefer the normal Christians than the prophets? and what are those things which the Christians have seen or heard although the prophets themselves whom his father had sent were prevented from seeing or hearing them? (Jesus is innocent of these accusations because Allah (Jesus` father) who owns everything and who is able to do anything can't prefer the normal people than the prophets otherwise what is the importance of such prophets!).

CHAPTER 13:51. Jesus said unto them: Have you understood all these things? They say unto him, yea, Lord.

This shows that the people considered Jesus as the Lord not the god, but he should have said to them: "say not the Lord but the god because the Lord is my father not me" (Jesus is innocent of these accusations).

CHAPTER 15:25. Then came she (a woman whose daughter was ill) and worshipped him, saying Lord, help me.

The question now is: How had Jesus allowed this woman to worship him without his father (Allah)? he should have said to her: Don't worship me; worship my father who is in the heaven and who sent me to prove to you that He is present but I'm not coming to be worshipped. (Jesus is innocent of these accusations).

CHAPTER 19:7-8. They say unto him "why did Moses command to give a writing of divorcement and to put her away?"

He said unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.

For the matter of divorce in Christianity, it is totally forbidden as it is pretended that Jesus had ordered, but if we read the above sentences we understand that Moses had given the order of divorce from himself when he found that the people are hard, without having the order from Allah (Jesus` father). This is impossible for a prophet to give an order from himself! And if Moses has taken this order from Allah; so it is worth to write "My father because of the hardness of your hearts ordered Moses to give the writings of divorce!"

On the other hand; if these orders are the orders of Allah (Jesus` father) to Moses, in this case Jesus had destroyed the law which his father put and not fulfilled. Or his father changed his mind according to the change of time and modern civilization and prevented the divorce in order to suit the soft hearts of the Christians and then returned again to his old mind and allowed it to the Muslims whose hearts are very hard like the Jews!

And why is divorce forbidden as it is said? aren't we human beings who can't expect the future. Probably the relation now between the couples is good but in the future some problems may arise and the life becomes impossible to continue. So is it logic to live together and there is no kind of love between them? to what will this lead? it will lead surely to adultery; the man will look for a woman with whom his heart finds the good feeling and lives with her in secret and so will do the wife and by this way the family is then completely destroyed.

So Jesus hadn't forbidden the divorce at all because this law which his father put is in favor of building a clean society devoid of adultery and consequently of crimes which may arise from the husbands jealousy of their wives. On the other hand; Jesus can't destroy the law which his father put before unless Moses was not a real prophet but pretended also that prophecy!

And who said that the priests are not allowed to marry? aren't they human beings who have the human feeling towards the woman? So what is the reason for forbidding their marriage? are they better than all the prophets who had been sent from Allah (Jesus` father) and to them marriage was allowed? So why had Jesus forbidden it to the priests? (Jesus is innocent of these accusations).

CHAPTER 21:10-12. And when he was come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved, saying who is this? and the multitude said, this is Jesus, the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee. and Jesus went into the temple of God and cast out all them that sold and bought into the temple and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of them that sold doves.

From this sentence; it is understood that the people believed Jesus during his life as a prophet not as a god or the son of the god. On the other hand; Jesus hated selling the doves because the spirit of god descended upon him like a dove and lightning. This is a respect of the spirit, so why are the Christians allowed to sell, slay and eat the doves? why aren't they forbidden as a respect of what Jesus made in the temple of god?

CHAPTER 21:23. when he was come into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came unto him as he was teaching, and said: by what authority does thou these things? and who gave thee this authority?

This situation happened after the people had seen the miracles of Jesus and they knew that he is the son of the god. So it was logic that all these miracles were given to him from his fat. this case there was no need to ask this question as the answer was already known. On the other hand; Jesus as it is written hadn't replied directly that these miracles are of course from Allah (his father) but he gave them two riddles to solve them, if they could; he will tell them about who gave him this authority. Despite that they replied; he hadn't told them that these miracles came to him from his father, but I can understand from the text that they are self-miracles and this is a kind of exaggeration as it may indicate that Jesus might have thought in himself that he can deceive his father and take all this world to himself and put no value to his father who sent him originally to this world to fulfil not to destroy. (Jesus is innocent of all these accusations as he said as mentioned in the Quran that these miracles were given to him from Allah (his God) as he gave several miracles to the prophets who came before him.


CHAPTER 23:9. And call no one your father upon the earth: for one is your father, which is in heaven.

There are three observations in this sentence: first; all the Christians in my country Egypt call the priests "our father" in this case they don't obey what Jesus ordered. So all the Christians in Egypt will not be forgiven from Jesus in the Last Day.

The second observation is that: Jesus` father is a father of all the Christians. Is it logic to consider the Creator of this universe with His glory as our father? I can believe that He is a father of Jesus only but not a father of all the Christians. Can I say to the president of my country: you are my father although my father is a normal person? And if He is a father of all the Christians, is He also a father of the prophets? what is He also to the Angels?

Isn't that a kind of exaggeration and sweet words to attract the Christians towards this belief? in the Quran there is no promise that the Muslims will enter the paradise, but he who believes and makes all good works will enter the paradise.

The third observation is the use of the word "WHICH" for the third time with the glorified Allah (Jesus` father), it is worth to write: "for one is your father WHO is in heaven"

CHAPTER 23:22. And he that shall swear by the heaven, sweareth by the throne of God, and by him that sitteth thereon.

I understood from the beginning of this Gospel that the Lord is the father (Allah) and the god is Jesus. So in this sentence it was worth to say: "the throne of Lord" because the sentence shows that Jesus is sitting on this throne and not his father. So where had his father gone? and where is he sitting?

CHAPTER 24:11. And many false prophets shall arise and shall deceive many.

From this sentence I understand that Jesus as it is pretended expected many false prophets. But till now in the year 2000, only one false prophet appeared (Mohammed). So where are the others? the answer is: they will appear in the future probably not in our generation. What do we expect the coming false prophets to say? will they say that they are sent from the Creator of this universe? in this case the Muslims will not believe them because their Quran says that Mohammed is the last prophet and their religion is Islam and they believe in all the prophets who came before and all the Holy Books descended from the Creator of this universe and who has a religion other than Islam; it will not be accepted from him. In this case, their religion is comprehensive including all the religions descended before Islam. The Christians will not also believe them as their god Jesus warned them from these false prophets and any religion descends after him. The Jews will not also believe them as there is nothing for them descended after Moses.

A second probability is that these false prophets may say that our God is not the creator of this universe, He is a false God, there is another god who created this universe and who sent them to us. In this case no one of the three religions will believe them because what they say is not logic at all. In this case, no false prophets are expected to come in the future and by this way Jesus as it is pretended hadn't calculated or expected exactly the number of false prophets who will appear after him although he is the god or his son or one of three gods in one god who must surely know the future because only the false prophet Mohammed appeared after him. (Jesus is innocent of these accusations).

CHAPTER 27:40-54. About the matter of crucifying Jesus; I read:

And saying thou that destroyest the temple and buildest it in three days, thyself. If thou be the son of God, come down from the cross.

He saved others; himself he can't save. If he be the king of Israel, let him now come down from the cross and we will believe him.

and about the ninth hour, Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama, sa-bach tha-ri? that is to say, My God, my God why hast thou forsaken me?

Jesus when he had cried again with a loud voice yielded up the Ghost.

And behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; the earth did quake and the rocks rent.

And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saint which slept arose.

And came out of the graves after his resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared unto many.

Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the son of God.

If we read this story, we find many observations: the first of these is that Jesus who gave the orders to the dead people to come again to life and who cured the ill people and the blind by his self-ability couldn't be able to save himself unless he cried and asked for the help of Allah (Jesus` father). This is a strong evidence that all miracles of Jesus were not of his self-ability but all of which were orders and miracles given to him from Allah as happened with all the prophets who came before him and this is what is mentioned in the Quran. (Jesus is innocent of these accusations as he was not crucified but ascended directly to his God Allah and it appeared so to the people of Israel as if they had crucified Jesus but in fact one of them was that who was crucified.

The second observation is that: Jesus cried with a loud voice ABOUT THE NINTH HOUR. The question is: HOW WAS IT THE NINTH HOUR although there were no watches at that time where the watches were invented more than one thousand year later? The timing by these watches is only for us; the human beings, but for the Creator of this universe; He has another timing. So how does Allah (Jesus` father) send a sentence to the human beings in their Holy Book to inform them about a timing they don't know? unless He guides them to invent the watches in the future to tell them about the time!

It was worth to say: at sun set, at sun rise or times like so. Also there is nothing with Allah called ABOUT because He knows the exact time!

The third observation in this story is that: Jesus cried for help, so the ghost was yielded. What is the importance of this ghost? The people wanted him actually to come down from the cross at once not to see his ghost. And instead of appearing as a ghost which may let many people have doubt, why hadn't he come down directly as Jesus with his body not as a ghost?

The fourth observation is that: Jesus couldn't save himself and come down from the cross, but he died, be put in a grave and then came out of the grave. So, he hadn't made what the people wanted in order to believe that he is the son of the god. After coming out from the grave; had he appeared as a ghost or as Jesus himself? as a ghost; there is no reason to appear as a ghost because the people wanted to see him himself. As Jesus; he shave saved himself at once and come down directly from the cross for the people to be sure as he is the son of the god.

Do you remember the story of Abraham when the people put him in the fire. Had he died and then after days appeared as a ghost or as Abraham himself as happened with Jesus? No, but what happened was that Allah (Jesus` father) ordered the fire to be cold and safe for Abraham. And after the fire waspdown, Abraham got out at once without any effect of the fire on his body. For this reason; the people believed that there is Allah the Creator of this universe. From this story of Abraham, couldn't some people believe that Abraham is the god or his son because he had saved himself by his self-ability from the fire rather than Jesus who couldn't come down at once from the cross?

Also, why hadn't Allah (Jesus` father) helped Jesus at once as he helped his prophet Abraham and for this the people of Abraham believed? why had he left him without help if the aim the cross was to put the last miracle of Jesus` ability as he is the son of the god? his inability to come down at once is a strong evidence that he was not Jesus who was crucified but he was a man from those people of Israel who disbelieved Jesus and Jesus was taken up to his God (Allah) as it is mentioned in the Quran and it appeared so to those people as if they killed Jesus but in fact not. On the other hand; why had Allah allowed those people to do that crime with his beloved son? a sacrifice! what is the aim of this sacrifice although he couldn't come down at once from the cross in front of the people's eyes. And why had Allah accepted such doing with his beloved son although He hadn't accepted it to the son of Abraham when he was going to slay his son as he saw in his dream, in return for that two sheep had been sent from the heaven to be slattered instead of Abraham's son!

The fifth observation is that: the people "SAW THE EARTHQUAKE" We all know that the earthquake can't be seen but felt! the earthquake as I learned from my study of Geology is defined as a group of waves propagating through the earth from a central point which is the center of earthquake, so HOW CAN IT BE SEEN? The writer of this story can't have been a specialist in the field of science of earthquakes but in the field of deceiving the people and playing with their minds and guiding them to the way of following Satan which leads to the fire. If he had understood in the science of earthquakes, he should have written: felt about the earthquake, lived the earthquake, were witnesses on the earthquake or saw the buildings destroy as a result of the earthquake which happened when Jesus came out of the grave!

Woe to those who write the book with their own hands, and say: "This is from Allah" to traffic with it for a miserable price!

Woe to them for what their hands wrote and for the gain they make thereby. (Quran 2:79).

The sixth observation is that the people said at the end: "Truly this was the son of God" This means that the people hadn't considered Jesus throughout his life among them as he is the son of the God except after he was ascended to the heaven. This is a proof that Jesus hadn't ordered the people to consider him as the son of the God while he was alive but all these accusations happened after his ascension to the heaven. So Jesus is innocent of these accusations of considering him the son of the God, the god himself or one of three gods in one god. He is also innocent of accusing him as being killed or crucified because he was neither killed nor crucified.

CHAPTER 28:2. The Angels of the Lord descended from the heaven.

It is understood from this sentence that the Lord is Jesus` father where Jesus is the god. But in another sentence I read "son of God" so Jesus` father is the God not the Lord. In another sentence Jesus say "many of thee will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord" so Jesus here is the Lord.

I`d like exactly to know who is the Lord and who is the God, because the matter is complicated for me and it is difficult to determine this as the terms Lord and God are sometimes applied for Jesus and sometimes for Allah (Jesus` father).

The other thing is that: Jesus will be the judge in the Last Day and the people will wave to him and say: oh our Lord Jesus, we are here, don't forget us at your father. I find that this is not logic since the decision in the Last Day to enter either the paradise or the fire will depend on what everyone had done throughout his life and everyone in the Last Day will receive his book with all the works good or bad, that he had done throughout his life are written in that book. If the good works are more than the bad works; he will enter the paradise, and if the reverse; he will be thrown in the fire.

Jesus is innocent of these accusations which happened after his ascension to his God Allah and he will be asked from his God in the Last Day if he really ordered the people to consider him as the son of the God. He will reply that he had said only what his God ordered him to do which is to worship Allah, the God of all people as well as Jesus and he was a witness on the Christians while he was living among them but after he had been ascended to his God, all these accusations happened. So Allah is responsible for that and Jesus has nothing to do with such accusations. Jesus will say also to Allah: "if You punish them, they are Your slaves and if You forgive them, they are Your slaves, You are the Mighty, the Wise."

CHAPTER 28:5. And the Angel answered and said unto the woman, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified.

This sentence shows that the Angels had descended also to the earth and spoke with the people as the Creator of the universe (Allah) spoke and said to them "this is my beloved son!"

If the Angels descended after the ascension of Jesus and for the sake of his name, so why hadn't Allah (Jesus` father) sent these Angels from the beginning instead of all the prophets who came before Jesus? Do you know why? because if it was sure that these Angels can walk safely on our earth without any harm that may happen to them from the people, Allah could have sent them. But because He knows the wish of human beings to kill and shed bloods; He hadn't sent any Angels at all whom people can see with their eyes and with whom they can also speak.

And what prevented the people from believing when the guidance came to them is that they said: "Has Allah sent a human messenger." Say: if there were on the earth Angels who can walk safely, we had sent down for them from the heaven an Angel as a messenger. (Quran 17:94-95).

The second observation is the use of the word "WHICH" for the fourth time with Jesus, instead it is worth to write "WHO was crucified".

CHAPTER 28:6. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. come, see the place where the lord lay.

This sentence shows that after ascension of Jesus to the heaven, there were still Angels on the earth trying to convince the people of the glory of Jesus; the lord, after all these miracles which he made throughout his life. So Jesus couldn't fulfil the purpose which his father wanted him to do by sending him as his son after sending all those prophets to the earth to put an end to this world and to believe his existence in the heaven without any doubt. But as we see; the Angels remained after his ascension and invited the people to see the place where the Lord (not the god) lay, and so they may probably believe when they see this place! (Jesus is innocent of all these accusations and there were no Angels at all who descended and walked among the people).


CHAPTER 28:9. And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them saying, All hail and they came and held him by the feet and worshipped him.

I notice in this sentence that the people worshipped Jesus. In this case he deceived his father because he came only to let the people believe in the presence of his father in the heaven and to fulfil what the prophets made before but not to destroy. So is it better to worship Jesus even if he is a son of the God or to worship only his father who owns everything? to worship Allah as the Muslims do (Jesus hadn't ordered the people to worship him and he is innocent of these accusations).

CHAPTER 28:18. And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

This means that Jesus` father had given him all power and He Himself retired the job and Jesus will control everything in the Last Day. (Jesus is innocent of all these accusations).

CHAPTER 28:20. Teaching them to observe awhatsoever I have commanded you; and Lord, I'm with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

The last sentence in the Gospel shows that all miracles and abilities of Jesus were taught to him from Allah (Jesus` father) and not from Jesus himself. These miracles were characteristic for all the prophets like Abraham for example who had not been affected by the fire and like Moses whose God Allah (Jesus` father) had spoken to him at the mountain in Sinai (Egypt) and whose stick became a snake which swallowed all the snakes of the Pharaoun`s magician and who struck the sea by stick so it had been separated into two parts for Moses and his men to cross to the other side whereas the Pharaoun and his men had been drowned in the sea. These are miracles given to all the prophets which helped them to persuade the people to believe in Allah but not to be worshipped and considered as gods.

The last thing I noticed in this Gospel is that it is devoid of sentences which terrify and warn the people if they did anything bad, or they will be thrown in the fire and be punished severely. But all it contains is that the god Jesus is always with the Christians and he will look at them in the Last Day and take them away from the other people who hadn't believed him as the god or his son or one of three gods in one god and will put them all in the paradise.

These are not the words of the Creator of the universe but of human beings who try to write every sweet words to attract a large number of people around them and by instinction man was created weak and likes everything easy and get away from the hard things. For this reason, people turn away from Islam because it doesn't promise all the Muslims to enter the paradise but only the good ones. On the other hand; Islam prevents the people from drinking Alcohol which is harmful to their health and take away their minds, but the people find Alcohol good for their mood. Islam is very hard because it prevents the men and the women from going in bed together without a legal marriage in order to guarantee the right of the woman, but the people find this very difficult and the best way is the life of the friendship which is full of joy and happiness.

Islam is very hard because Mohammed hadn't given any promise to the Muslims to look at them in the Last Day but Jesus as it is pretended will be happy with the Christians and they will say to him Lord, Lord and he will take them without any account like the other people and will put them all in the paradise.

After this criticism of the present copy of the New Testament, no one understands that I want to destroy the other religions because I believe these religions. I only want to guide you to the right way to the paradise, the way which Jesus himself selected for you while he was alive. The best way to the Last Day in which neither Jesus nor Mohammed will look at their people, but everyone will be responsible for himself and everyone will be evaluated on the basis of good works he had done throughout his life. And the final judge to enter the paradise is Allah (Jesus` father!), not any prophet or Angel.

Say: O people of the Book: You have no ground to stand upon unless you stand fast by the Torah (Old Testament), the Gospel and all the revelation that has come to you from your Lord. It is the revelation that comes to you from the Lord, which increases in most of them their obstinate rebellion and blasphemy. But sorrow you not over (those) people without faith. (Quran 5:68).

On the day when some faces will be whitened and others will be blackened; and for those whose faces have been blackened, it will be said to them: Disbelieved you after your (profession) belief? then taste the punishment for that you disbelieved. and those whose faces have been whitened, they will be in the mercy of Allah for ever. (Quran 3:106-107).

I also believe in the Bible that had been descended from Allah which no one can criticize its words because they are the words of Allah and if any one read the original Bible, he will find in it written:

And remember Jesus, son of Mary said: "O people of Israel! I'm the Messenger of Allah to you, confirming the law which came before me in the Torah, and bringing glad tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be AHMED" Yet when he has come to them with clear proofs, they said: "This is evident magic." (Quran 61:6).

Finally; the story of Jesus` birth as written in the is as follow:

And make mention of Mary in the scripture, when she had withdrawn from her people to a chamber looking east. and had chosen seclusion from them. Then we sent unto her our spirit and it assumed for her the likeness of a perfect man. She said: " Lord! I seek refuge in the beneficent one from you, if you are God-fearing." he said: "I'm only a messenger of the Lord, that I may bestow on you a faultless son." She said: "How can I have a son when no human has touched me, neither have I been unchaste." He said: "so (it will be). The Lord said: It is easy for me and (it will be) that we may make of him a revelation for people and a mercy from us and it is a thing ordained."

And she conceived him, and she withdrew with him to a far place. And the pangs of childbirth drove her unto the trunk of the palm tree. She said: "Oh, would that I had died before this, and had become a thing of naught, forgotten!"

Then (one) cried unto her from below her, saying: "Grieve not! the Lord has placed a rivulet beneath you. And shake the trunk of the palm tree toward you; you will cause ripe dates to fall upon you. So eat and drink and be consoled. And if you meet any human, say: I have vowed a fast unto the Beneficent and may not speak this day to any human."

Then she brought him to her own folk, carrying him, they said: "O Mary! you have come with an amazing thing. Oh sister of Aaron! your father was not a wicked man nor was your mother a harlot." Then she pointed to him, they said: "how can we talk to one who is in the cradle, a young boy?" He spoke: "Lord: I'm the slave of Allah, He has given me the Scripture and has appointed me a prophet, and has made me blessed wheresoever I may be, and has enjoined upon me prayer and almsgiving so long as I remain alive. And (has made me) dutiful toward her who bore me, and has not made me arrogant, unblest. Peace on me the day I was born and the day I die and the day I shall be raised alive!" Such was Jesus, son of Mary, (this is) a statement of the truth concerning that which they doubt. It befits not (the majesty of) Allah that He should take unto Himself a son. Glory be to Him! when He decrees a thing, He says unto it truly: Be! and it is. And Lord! Allah is my Lord and your Lord. So serve Him, that is the right path. (Quran 19:16-37).