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Mark and Roger

I had to adopt them too because I didn't want my little Squeegee Man getting lonely...and if you adopt Mark you gotta adopt Roger!! (hey jolynn, i stole your idea for arranging them! just letting ya know!!)

Adopt-A-Mark (tm) Adoption Certificate
Click on the adoption certificate to adopt your own bohemian.

Adopt-A-Roger (tm) Adoption Certificate
Click on the adoption certificate to adopt your own bohemian.

Mark and Roger live in an industrial loft on the corner of 11th street and Ave. B

They have an illegal wood burning stove (or one very close to it):

Its exhaust pipe craws up through a skylite.
All of their electrical appliances are plugged into... thich extension cord which snakes its way out a window.

Click here to goto:
Mark's room
Roger's room

***Soon to come: Mimi