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Show 1: Rent in Philly, PA

Who: Anna (me), Andi, Steph, Jill and Erin.

Where: Philly, PA at the Merriam Theatre

Date and time: 8:00pm; July 8, 1998 (opening night)

Which cast: Angel cast


Ok first off it was the first for all of us and our dad drove us all up in a limo!! Fun fun there! We watched "Ranma 1/2: Big Trouble in Nekolon, China" on the way up. Ok, we get to theater, goto our seats...let the show begin!!

The cast:
Mark: Trey Ellett
Roger: Danny Robbins*
Mimi: Karen Olivo*
Benny: Dwayne Clark
Maureen: Erin Keaney
Joanne: Kamilah Martin
Collins: Rufus Bonds Jr.
Angel: Kristoffer Cusick*
Mark's mom: Alicia Westelman
Alexi Darling: Cristina Ablaza
Sol 1: Terita Redd
Sol 2: John Eric Parker
Steve, SqueeegeeMan: Lambert Moss
Gordon, the man: Michael Lee*
Paul, the waiter: Christopher Freeman
Cops: Cheri Smith and Alan Mingo Jr.

My first RENT Playbill
Signed by: Chris Freeman, Danny "Rockett", Cristina Ablaza, Terita Redd, Erin Keaney, Trey Ellett and Karen Olivo

Me and Karen Olivo

Me and Trey Ellett

Andi and Trey Ellett

Me, Dan Robbins and Tim "Guys, this is my buddy Tim. He's awesome!" -Dan

Erin, me and Dan Robbins "Uh your flash didn't go on...I think it's broke. Let me fix it!" -Dan

Andi and Dan Robbins

Me and Erin Keaney

Andi and Erin Keaney