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Trey Ellett...

***Trey Ellett was nice enough to do this little questionare for me. The questions are from myself and members of the Trey Ellett mailing list. Again, thank you Trey for taking the time to do this for me. =)

*All of Trey's answers are in bold print.

1. What is your birthday? May 22
2. Do you eat breakfast in the morning? If so, what? usually cereal.. and lots of coffee
3. What do you plan to do after Rent? move to Los Angeles
4. Who do you most admire, as far as your co-stars in Rent? Erin Keaney
5. Who are your inspirations? Joni Mitchell, my Mom
6. Did you see Rent before you were in it? yes.. a few times on Broadway
7. How did you hear about Rent? Buzz in New York
8. What songs did you sing for auditions? "Get it Right the First Time" - Billy Joel, "The Border Song" - Elton John.. and rent stuff - Roger and Mark (and "WILL I?")
9. Care to name a few bloopers or ad-libing that happened on stage? ;-) Too many to name -- I have a terrible habit of forgetting things. It makes me crazy. One night before "what you own", i said, "coming up next.. pause.. pause.. pause.. QUEENS!!" i just spaced out!! lol

Favorites (people are so curious about you!)
10. TV shows/movies... Ally MacBeal, Will & Grace, Oz (movies) On Golden Pond, Sophie's Choice, Bullets Over Broadway, Color Purple, Strangers in Good Company
11. Singers/groups... Joni Mitchell, Ani DiFranco, Jonatha Brooke
12. Actors/actresses... William Hurt, Meryl Streep, Cherry Jones, Judi Dench
13. Song in Rent... ummm... Will I? What You Own
14. Other musicals... Floyd Collins, Sweeney Todd, Sunday in the Park with George, Falsettos, Jesus Christ Superstar
15. Places to shop (for whatever)... A&F, the Gap, Anthropologie (NYC and LA)
16. If you could be in any other musical and play any role, which one would it be? The Baker in "Into the Woods" or Marvin in "Falsettos" (eventhough I'm too young)
17. Have you always wanted to be an actor? as long as i can remember
18. What is the nicest thing a fan has done for you? On my one year anniversary, a friend/fan sent me a collage with the RENT logo and the phrase "I can't believe a year went by so fast" and numerous flowers. I also got a beautiful Joni Mitchell book of poetry from some sweeties in San Fran. Scariest thing? nothing.. only sweet things.
19. How do you feel about the Rentheads? LOVE 'EM
20. Who are your best friends (in the cast that is)? Erin Keaney, Kamilah Martin, Alan Mingo, Kristoffer Cusick (gone).. but I love everyone
21. If you could play any other role in Rent, who would it be and why? Roger - I like his struggle. Going from point A to point B -- it's a long journey, and I'm sure it's very gratifying.
22. (You've mentioned this before, but I thought since it was so important you could mention it again for us all) What are your thoughts on gun control and gun violence? Briefly, I know that it's impossible to rid the world of all guns, but I think that there can be effective control. Why do we need assault weapons available to anyone? I don't understand.
23. How do you feel about PAX and your PAX mailing list? I feel PAX has the right idea.. the right balance between control and tolerance.. compromise. The list is a great place to toss around ideas. Knowledge is power.
24. Is the Angel cast really going to end once the California run is finished? Rumor has it the Angel cast is going to other places after CA... From what I understand (not confirmed) once the show closes in San Fran.. the Angel Company is done.
25. Any final comments... ummmm.. spread the PAX.

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