ISCI 2001
Osmosis and Diffusion Lab

Lab for ISCI 2001



The movement of molecular materials within and between cells is accomplished by transport mechanisms of two types. One group of mechanisms require an input of energy by the system (cell or organism) and are known as ACTIVE TRANSPORT MECHANISMS. In active transport molecules are moving against a concentration gradient trying to find a place within an already crowded area. This is somewhat like moving into a crowded bus or crowded room. Some active transport mechanisms involve only the cell membrane while others require a movement by larger areas of the cell.


The second group of mechanisms are known as PASSIVE TRANSPORT MECHANISMS. In these situations molecules are moving from areas where they are in high concentration into areas where that same type of molecule is in low concentration. No additional expenditure of energy by the cell or organism is required to move the molecules. It is sometimes suggested that they are moving down a concentration gradient. Examples of passive transport are DIFFUSION, OSMOSIS and FACILITATED DIFFUSION.  OSMOSIS is a special case of diffusion involving movement of solvent molecules. Since water is the solvent of the cells, osmosis is often thought of as diffusion of water.


Cellular membranes are selective of the molecules that can move across them. Size, shape, mass, and charge of moving molecules are all considerations as to whether the molecules may cross the membrane.


This investigation will demonstrate osmosis and diffusion in living materials.



Microscopes, slides, cover slips, lens paper

Potatoes, carrots, red onion, Elodea plants

50 ml Beakers, forceps, triple beam balances, marking pens, cork borer

Distilled water, tap water, salt solution (1%, 10%, 20%)

Sugar solutions (1%, 10%, 20%)



Part I

1. Obtain 5 beakers and label individual beakers DI Water, Tap Water, 1% salt, 10%, salt and 20% salt. Obtain a second set of 5 beakers and label them DI water, Tap water, 1% sugar, 10% sugar and 20% sugar.

2. Place 25 ml of the appropriate solution in each beaker.

3. Obtain pieces of potato (either by slicing or using the borer). Your instructor will demonstrate. Weigh the individual potato pieces using the triple beam balance. Record the weight of each piece and place a separate piece in each of the solutions. Allow the potatoes to sit in the solutions for 30 minutes.

4. At the same time that you are setting up solutions for the potatoes, set up a second set of beakers and run a similar set of solutions for carrots.

5. At the end of the 30 minutes, remove the potatoes and the carrots from the beakers, gently pat them dry and weigh them. Record the weighs in your data table. Using the formula below determine percent change in mass of the potatoes and the carrots.


                          (final mass-initial mass

 % change   =  ---------------------------------------     x 100 

                                initial mass



Part II

6. While waiting for the potatoes and carrots to interact with their solutions, prepare 3 wet mounts of Elodea and 3 of red onions. Place the first in tap water, the second in a 10% salt solution and the 3rd in distilled water. Observe under high power of the microscope after 5 minutes.

7. Record pictures of each in the spaces below.








Data Tables


Treatment (Solution)          Potato

Initial Mass (grams)

Final Mass (grams)


Distilled Water 0%



Tap Water 0.1%



1% salt



10% salt



20% salt



Treatment (Solution)          Carrot

Initial Mass (grams)

Final Mass (grams)


Distilled Water 0%



Tap Water 0.1%



1% salt



10% salt



20% salt




Treatment (Solution)          Potato

Initial Mass (grams)

Final Mass (grams)


Distilled Water 0%



Tap Water 0.1%



1% sugar



10% sugar



20% sugar



Treatment (Solution)          Carrot

Initial Mass (grams)

Final Mass (grams)


Distilled Water 0%



Tap Water 0.1%



1% sugar



10% sugar



20% sugar

















Elodea in tap water                                        Onion in tap water













Elodea in 10% salt                                         Onion in 10% salt











Elodea in Distilled water                               Onion in Distilled Water












Calculations and Questions


1. Graph the percent solution (x-axis) vs. percent change (y-axis) for each of the situations. You may use Create a Graph 



2. Define the following terms: solute, solvent, isotonic, hypertonic, hypotonic, tonicity.


3. Explain in terms of tonicity why your skin doesn’t wrinkle when swimming in the ocean, but instead you become very thirsty.