Your assignment is as follows: You are to provide background information for ONE disease or condition of your choosing. YOUR TASK is to compile and synthesize information regarding this disease or condition. Your final product will be in the form of a portfolio which contains: (1) xerox copies of 6 APPROVED research articles; (2) copies of any additional research materials, and: (3) a research paper of at least 5-7 pages. This means a minimum of five FULL pages. A full page is one which has at least 60% of the space filled.
This report summarizes your findings and provides your personal viewpoint on the significance of the problem and the viability of the potential solutions. The information in the report should include: the known or suspected history of the condition or disease, the major symptoms and/or problems associated with it, and past and current treatment regimes.
You must find a total of six(6) articles dealing with the disease or condition. The articles must come from journals and magazines no earlier than 2001 - no Ladies Home Journal, Better Homes and Gardens, Reader's Digests, newspapers or encyclopedias. The articles must be at least a full page in length and I MUST APPROVE THE SOURCE, QUALITY AND LENGTH OF EACH ARTICLE BEFORE YOU WRITE YOUR REPORT!
The research report MUST be typed or word processed. It should be double spaced, and margins may be no more than 1 inch on the top, bottom, and both sides (these are standard settings for all word processors). Font size should not exceed 12 and font type may be Times New Roman, Courier New, Lucinda, Georgia or Bookman Old Style.
The portfolio, with a XEROX copy of each of the articles and the research report, are due April 9, 2009. It may be turned in earlier!