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The pygmy or bonobo chimpanzee (Pan paniscus)is found only in the Zaire (Congo) forest of Zaire, south of the Congo river in central Africa. The pygmy chimpanzee was first recognized as a species separate from the common chimpanzee (Pan troglodyte) in 1933, but until recently, very little information has been gathered. The physical and political environment in this region has made research efforts extremely difficult; however, within the last two decades, field studies have been undertaken at several sites: Wamba, Lomako, Lake Tumba and Yalosidi. Although the larger portion of research to date has been accumulated through the study of animals in captivity; the addition of newer research, from the observation of pygmy chimps in their natural habitat, has led to novel findings about the evolution of the great apes and unique theories concerning the evolution of the human species.

find out more about the physical characteristics of the pygmy chimpanzee

find out more about the social behaviour of the pygmy chimpanzee

find out more about the sexual behaviour of the pygmy chimpanzee

find out more about pygmy chimpanzee communication in the wild

find out more about how the pygmy chimpanzee has contributed to our knowledge about the evolution of the human species

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