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Opposite View Member

Alison B.
Alison Bellach(Alibee to some, Ali to one/two, Abacab/Abba to one, Alison to a whole heck of a lot)
Age: 21
From:San Rafael, CA (this looks familiar, eh, CB?)

Now: Santa Barbara, CA at the University of California, Santa Barbara; studying Computer Science and Religious Studies. Aww yeah. Also Hillel Pres. :)
Intro to the Dels? VH-1, baby.
Marital Status: Thinking about dating 3 people at once. Rejecting the idea and becoming a nun instead.
Idol? Ha! I have no idols! I am a self-sufficient sorta gal, >:)
Other faves: Big Country, the Finn cycle, Young Dubs, Grant Lee Buffalo, the Wonderstuff, check out the website to see more.
Current rant: Since when was Caroline going to see Neil again? Little twerp!
Fave cheese: Anything smelly.
Fave wine: Merlot. Yummy.
Major influence: Satan. And Santa, too. Sometimes the Easter Bunny.
Quote: "I'm not crazy, I'm just a little eccentric!" which will soon become, "I'm not crazy, but wait! I am!"
Likes: Stuff.
Dislikes: People who whine and people who try to get me to get them backstage at Del concerts. Like I'm omnipotent or something :P
More likes: More stuff.
More dislikes: Flat strawberry soda, people who take email too personally
One interesting thing: I like sardines on matzo. Yeah!