Not All The Same
(an ORGY page)

please sign my guest book... last update was 3/17/00 (1:15 am).. thanks for visiting "Not All The Same"

Ok for all of you who don't know who Orgy is (if u don't I don't know how you found me or why u came?)Orgy is a band, enough said. Their name is not to be confused with the sexual is to describe many different sounds going into one. Well I hope you enjoy your stay at Not All The Same and come back soon. I have alot of work to do so do good things and goodbye...

The Orgy Gallery (the awsom pix of our guys)
Orgy Bio
My Profile
(yes i'm the freak who spawned this site)

My Poll

Sign My fucking Guestbook View My fucking Guestbook

if u want my link here is the code...
just change the ( ) to a < > ok thanks for supporting my site, it needs it...
(a href="")(img src="" align=center)(/a)

This is what it will look like

yea ok your cool... blah

Freaks Music Ring

Member of the Perfection is Boring banner exchange

The Eyeliner Worshipping cult
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you are the (th/nd/st) person/alian/intelegent animal to come to this page... be proud of it... or not as long as you sign my guest book I don't really care

Hei mitt navn er kelly jeg er en Norsk pike. Jeg ikke får at mye pengene jeg bare får ti dolars pr. time. De er en blå hund med en dårlig arm. Jeg ønsker at De var en lyserød katt men De er ikke.