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Traducción al español.

In the seventies, a large forgery operation is undertaken under very special circumstances. The main characters in this event are a Cuban American art dealer, a buyer from the japanese yazuka, a drunk and bohemian pupil of Torres García, and a handsome sensual lady.

Several murals of the famed painter are ravaged by a fire in a museum in Río de Janeiro. The fire was intentional and part of a sinister plan. The irreplaceable loss sends shivers through the world of art traders and the value of the remaining works os the master shoot up.

The Japanese buyer is the target of the confabulation, since he is willing to pay millions for the original works and the secrecy of the transaction.

Ricardo Arrebarren enters the scene. He is an investigator working for the Consolidated Insurance Company. At first he is tangentially involved in the operation, but then he is deeply thrust into the intrigue.

An unusually high insurance policy is filled with his company for a shipment of thistle mats to Japan, known for being a big producer of these mats. The absurd export subject of the insurance coupled with its extremely high value alerts the investigator who delves into highly dangerous situations, even at the risk of his life. Obscure forces that he does not understand put him in jeopardy. The closer he edges to the truth, more doubts and new questions assail him and the sudden deaths begin to happen.

The first victim is Insauti, an art dealer charged with the authentication of a painting from Torres. The second victim is Gonzalito, one of the revered pupil of the master, now an old hermit and a drunkard, who may hold the key to the mystery.

A beautiful woman, Elizabeth, leads Ricardo though a maze of doubts and confusion, seducing the investigator. This causes a deep emotional conflict in the investigator, who has deep memories of Ana, his former lover, who is one of the missing disappeared persons under the military regime. The conflict torments the investigator.

The thrill and mystery are constant during the dangerous and fear filed atmosphere of the seventies in South America

Ricardo under covers the operation and at the same time falls in love with Elizabeth. An unexpected turn in Chicago ends the fantasy of beautiful Elizabeth's love and kindness. The catlike woman coldly destroys Ricardo's romantic and idealistic illusions.

Showing her true face, Elizabeth turns out to be the brain of the operation. She does not waver to deceive, to seduce and treason of the men Wyss trusted. She kills her husband, partners and boss Wynn with two bullets through his forehead, and takes absolute command of the operation.

Finally there is a big confusion, much shooting and another fire destroys definitively the mural paintings.

Ricardo escapes in the middle of the shooting and dangerous fire.

After the hunt, comes his escape and his meeting with Olga, his friend, who has courageously saved him.

A road to Mexico and two lives that come together again after the tragic adventure, trying a new start in life.

Main Page Cast of characters