A wonderously grand new
EARTH. Shaped by death and forces beyond belief. A world which has clung to its own soul and rebuilt itself from charred remains. Survivors and Conquerors, Aliens and Great Gods of the past, History and Future, Technology and Magic, Collide in the harshest arena imagineable. All are found in this new world. Nothing is certain, nor does it appear to be. Some adapt, as others are slaughtered. Humans turn to the past to give them strength in the future. The Bloody Cycle continues, but this blood sacrifice brings both Life and Death.
A great and powerful Coalition clings to the ideals of the damned. A new version of "Racism" raises it's evil head. People of all races cling to hope, and end in despair. Some triumph, many more fail. Some have the Will to FIGHT and become Heroes, as others do the same to become Villans. Do you have the WILL to climb out of the ashes and the turmoil to become a Heroes? or even a Villan?