AUGUST SERIES TITLED 'DeMented. DeRanged. DeCeptive. DePalma.'
Disclaimer: the upcoming Denver FilmCenter/Colfax August series of Brian De Palma films does not include 1992's Raising Cain. The series does, however, take its name from the poster for that De Palma film: "DeMented. DeRanged. DeCeptive. DePalma." The series will take place every Tuesday in August, beginning this upcoming Tuesday, August 2nd, with Obsession. The other four films are: Carrie (August 9), Dressed To Kill (August 16), Blow Out (August 23), and Body Double (August 30). Head Programmer Keith Garcia tells A.V. Club's Brad McHargue, "I would say that love him or hate him, Brian De Palma’s style and ability to create a twisted vision is second to none. Though often critiqued as borrowing from Hitchcock a bit too much, it becomes apparent after sorting through his many films, which we invite you all to experience—the way they were meant to be seen—on 35mm film, that he isn’t borrowing from the master at all, but [rather] responding to his work and adding all of the sexuality and sin that ol’ Hitch was never allowed to explore."