They get a couple of details wrong here and there, but this is a great old-fashioned discussion from a group of guys who generally seem to know what they're talking about. Not to nitpick, but I feel the need to set a couple of things straight. Eric Cohen takes Bernard Herrmann's quote during the making of Sisters out of context: it was when De Palma wanted to start his picture with the blind girl walking into the men's locker room that Herrmann insisted that, because nothing scary or thrilling happened in the movie until later on, Sisters should open with a title sequence featuring his ominous music. When De Palma tried to argue that Hitchcock did it, Herrmann reminded the young director that he was not Hitchcock, and nobody in the audience was going to wait for him to start his story.
This next thing is clarified near the end of the video, but... Later in the CineFiles discussion on Raising Cain, Cohen states that the film was taken out of De Palma's control, but in actuality, it was De Palma himself who decided to recut the film, with the help of editor Paul Hirsch. The discussion above also touches on Peet Gelderblom's Raising Cain Re-Cut.
Updated: Friday, March 30, 2012 8:49 PM CDT
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