According to the tweet above, Indiewire's Eric Kohn attended a screening of Kim Ki-duk's Pieta this morning at the Toronto Film Festival. Kohn also posted his review of De Palma's Passion today, stating that the film "simultaneously parodies its plot while elevating it to a strangely involving exercise in cinematic drama." Kohn's headline states that Passion will please Brian De Palma fans, "and no one else." Here is a paragraph:
"As the friction between the two women builds, Passion develops the aura of a sultry noir replete with increasingly depraved acts driven by furious envy and ego. With the motives of both characters continually ambiguous, the sleek melodrama takes prominence over plot specifics. De Palma's screenplay is less insightful than the hyperbolic mood pushing it along: Cinematographer José Luis Alcaine, best known for filming numerous Pedro Almodovar movies, draws out the absurd soapiness of the scenario with brightly lit scenes seemingly lifted from a fashion commercial not unlike the material produced by Christine's firm. The movie inhabits the same artificiality it critiques."