Saturday, November 15, 2014 - 10:55 AM CST
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No need to be confused, really-- De Palma, like many a filmmaker, usually has several projects in development at any one time. Some end up getting made and many don't, but the ideas keep flowing.
So many elements of a project have to come together at the right time in order for it to kick into gear. PASSION is something that ended up being made at least a whole year after the original planned shooting date, for instance. And everything came together like lightning once Rachel McAdams and Noomi Rapace were cast.
De Palma was going to make a film with Jason Statham, and developed that one for a long time. De Palma felt strongly that the gambling film should take place in Nice, France, as Las Vegas is no longer what it used to be when William Goldman originally wrote the screenplay. The producers ultimately insisted on Vegas, so De Palma left that project.
You just never know, until the cameras actually start rolling.